[OS X TeX] New TeXShop macro: "Insert reference"
Claus Gerhardt
claus.gerhardt at urz.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Aug 24 01:27:26 CEST 2004
For the citekeys I recommend to install BibDesk and use its "Complete
Citation" service: Type a word of the title, highlight it and press
On 23.08.2004, at 22:42, Thomas Schrder wrote:
> Hi Will,
> Am 23.08.2004 um 13:38 schrieb Will Robertson:
>> On 23 Aug 2004, at 8:31 PM, Thomas Schrder wrote:
>>> That's what I think, too. The difficult bit will be to get the cite
>>> keys because in a .bib file the cite keys are part of different
>>> statements like @article or @book, whilst with other references they
>>> are always inside a \label command.
>> I reckon bibtool or something must be able to do this -
> I read the manual to bibtool and wasn't able to find what I was
> looking for. As far as I can see bibtool only handles complete
> references. So, I googled around a little and found the bibtools (note
> the extra 's') collection by David Kotz on
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/bibtools.html. This collection comes
> with the 'citekeys' shell script which will give you all the cite keys
> from a *.bib file. It does this by using BibTeX together with a
> special BibTeX style file internally that only outputs the cite key.
> Very clever, really because it handles all of BibTeX's statements
> automatically and uses its built-in intelligence to handle *.bib
> files.
>> after all, it can't be the hardest thing in the world since LyX and
>> WinEdt can do it...
> Maybe so, but it was still a bit difficult for me. Anyways, what I did
> was, I included both the citekeys script and its accompanying *.bst
> file because I had to change the citekeys script a little to get this
> whole thing to work inside TeXShop's Applescript environment and
> therefor couldn't rely on a preinstalled bibtools collection.
> The Applescript will write the citekeys script and citekeys.bst to
> /tmp, make citekeys executeable, execute citekeys on all the *.bib
> files in the directory where the current *.tex file resides, present
> the user with a list of all the cite keys it found and finally insert
> the citation the user selects at the cursor. Sounds slow but is pretty
> fast on a G4 450 MHz, to the extent that I didn't bother to optimize
> it for speed.
> Still, I guess this could be done in a better way, most probably with
> some sophisticated calls to awk and/or sed to extract the cite keys
> from *.bib files, but I that's beyond what I could do. But my hack
> works and that's the point, eh?
>> I think it would be acceptable to make people install bibtools if
>> they want to run the script.
> It certainly would have been, had I been able to use it for this.
> Anyway, here's the script:
> ---------------
> --Applescript
> -- This Applescript will scan all *.bib files in the directory where
> the current *.tex file is residing
> -- and present the user with a list of all the cite keys it finds.
> -- This Applescript makes heavy use of the INSERT REFERENCE script by
> Will Robertson
> -- and the citekey shell script by David Kotz. Since I had to change
> Davdi's script a little to get it
> -- to work inside TeXShop's Applescript environment I and couldn't
> therefor use a preinstalled version
> -- I decided to recreate the script and the accompanying *.bst file in
> here.
> -- Thomas Schrder
> property cite_command : "cite" -- or something else N.B. no backslash!
> -- Inserts e.g. "\cite{book1}"
> -- Put "" to insert the plain label: e.g. "book1"
> property save_before_run : true
> -- The script only finds labels created in saved documents. If you
> don't want this script to save your document before it runs for
> whatever reason, set this to true.
> -- start create citekeys
> -- set up the filename & path
> set theCITEKEY to POSIX path of ("/tmp/citekeys")
> -- create the file if it doesn't exist, otherwise open it
> set myOpenCITEKEY to open for access file theCITEKEY with write
> permission
> write ({"#!/bin/csh -f
> #
> # citekeys - print out all the cite keys in given bib files
> #
> # usage:
> # citekeys file.bib...
> #
> onintr cleanup
> if ($#argv < 1) then
> echo 'usage: citekeys file.bib...'
> exit 1
> endif
> unset files
> foreach i ($*)
> if ($i:e == bib) then
> set file=$i:r
> else
> set file=$i
> endif
> if ($?files) then
> set files=($files,$i)
> else
> set files=($file)
> endif
> end
> #echo creating citekeys.aux for $files
> cat > citekeys.aux <<EOF
> \\relax
> \\citation{*}
> \\bibstyle{citekeys}
> \\bibdata{$files}
> rm -f citekeys.{log,dvi,bbl,blg}
> #echo bibtex citekeys
> /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/bibtex citekeys
> mv citekeys.bbl citekeys.out
> cleanup:
> rm -f citekeys.{tex,aux,log,dvi,bbl,blg}
> "} as string) to myOpenCITEKEY
> -- close the file when finished.
> close access myOpenCITEKEY
> do shell script "chmod +x /tmp/citekeys" -- make citekeys residing in
> the /tmp directory executable
> -- end create citekeys
> -- start create .bst
> -- set up the filename & path
> set theBST to POSIX path of ("/tmp/citekeys.bst")
> -- create the file if it doesn't exist, otherwise open it
> set myOpenBST to open for access file theBST with write permission
> write ({"% BibTeX bibliography style `citekeys
> % by David Kotz dfk at cs.dartmouth.edu
> % March 1994
> % modified (distantly) from
> % BibTeX standard bibliography style `alpha'
> % version 0.99a for BibTeX versions 0.99a or later, LaTeX version
> 2.09.
> % Copyright (C) 1985, all rights reserved.
> % Copying of this file is authorized only if either
> % (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name, or
> % (2) if you do make changes, you name it something other than
> % btxbst.doc, plain.bst, unsrt.bst, alpha.bst, and abbrv.bst.
> % This restriction helps ensure that all standard styles are
> identical.
> % The file btxbst.doc has the documentation for this style.
> ENTRY { author } {} {}
> FUNCTION {article} {}
> FUNCTION {book} {}
> FUNCTION {booklet} {}
> FUNCTION {inbook} {}
> FUNCTION {incollection} {}
> FUNCTION {inproceedings} {}
> FUNCTION {conference} {}
> FUNCTION {manual} {}
> FUNCTION {mastersthesis} {}
> FUNCTION {misc} {}
> FUNCTION {phdthesis} {}
> FUNCTION {proceedings} {}
> FUNCTION {techreport} {}
> FUNCTION {unpublished} {}
> FUNCTION {default.type} { misc }
> MACRO {jan} {\"January\"}
> MACRO {feb} {\"February\"}
> MACRO {mar} {\"March\"}
> MACRO {apr} {\"April\"}
> MACRO {may} {\"May\"}
> MACRO {jun} {\"June\"}
> MACRO {jul} {\"July\"}
> MACRO {aug} {\"August\"}
> MACRO {sep} {\"September\"}
> MACRO {oct} {\"October\"}
> MACRO {nov} {\"November\"}
> MACRO {dec} {\"December\"}
> FUNCTION {presort}
> { cite$
> #1 entry.max$ substring$
> 'sort.key$ :=
> }
> ITERATE {presort}
> FUNCTION {cite.key.only} { cite$ write$ newline$ }
> ITERATE {cite.key.only}
> "} as string) to myOpenBST
> -- close the file when finished.
> close access myOpenBST
> -- end create .bst
> if save_before_run then
> tell application "TeXShop" to save the front document
> end if
> tell application "TeXShop" to set texpath to the path of the front
> document -- the current tex file: "/path/to/docu.tex"
> set texloc to POSIX file texpath -- Convert to applescript format:
> "path:to:docu.tex"
> tell application "Finder" to set texfolder to the container of (texloc
> as alias) -- Get the folder: "path:to:"
> set texdir to the POSIX path of (texfolder as alias) -- Convert to
> UNIX path: "/path/to"
> set texfiles_tosearch to the quoted form of texdir & "*.bib" -- search
> all .tex files: "/path/to/*.bib"
> tell application "TeXShop"
> set current_selection to the content of the selection of the front
> document
> set create_out to ("cd /tmp; ./citekeys " & texfiles_tosearch) as
> string
> set find_label_lines to (" >/dev/null ;cat /tmp/citekeys.out") as
> string
> -- pipe the shell scripts together:
> set get_labels_shell_script to create_out & find_label_lines
> try
> -- filter choices with the current selection:
> set choose_labels to every paragraph of (do shell script
> get_labels_shell_script & filter_selection)
> on error
> -- If it fails (e.g. nothing found) display the whole list:
> set choose_labels to every paragraph of (do shell script
> get_labels_shell_script)
> end try
> -- In case the document doesn't contain any labels:
> if choose_labels = {""} then
> display dialog "Sorry, no cite keys have been found." buttons {"No
> worries"} default button "No worries"
> return
> end if
> set label_insert to choose from list choose_labels with prompt
> "Please choose the cite key of the reference to insert:"
> if label_insert false then
> if cite_command = "" then
> set cite_insert to label_insert
> else
> set cite_insert to "\\" & cite_command & "{" & label_insert & "}"
> end if
> set the selection of the front document to cite_insert as string
> end if
> end tell
> ---------------
> I hope this is useful, have fun!
> Ciao, Thomas
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