[OS X TeX] Do you folks know about CLIX?

Nigel King king at dircon.co.uk
Mon Apr 19 12:43:41 CEST 2004

This is very good but I think I have found a bug where automating a 
mysql command using
mysql -e "select a,b from c" > d.txt
it would not save the command when the comma was present. It was not 
clear form the web site how to lodge this problem.


On 12 Apr 2004, at 16:57, Rene Borgella Jr. wrote:

Hi all:

I was told about CLIX, a utility that does a lot of what TinkerTool, 
Xupport, et al. do.  But, it does so by using command line instructions 
and is set up to teach one how to do expand on its 250 built in 
options.  It is also way cool and it's FREE. I'm using it now and have 
gotten rid of a bunch of utilities I no longer need. Folks like Bruno 
will probably appreciate the fact that it does not hack your system, it 
merely uses the CLI to access features that don't have a GUI yet.

 From the website <http://www.rixstep.com/4/0/clix/>:

CLIX ('command line interface for OS X') makes it easier to assimilate 
the power of Unix. It becomes both a fish to buy and a series of 
lessons in how to fish, and ultimately can become a handy work of 

It doesn't try to rip you off - it tries to teach you, so you become 
more independent and don't need that line thrown at you all the time.

The CLIX package includes a starter command database file with over 250 
(over two hundred fifty - yes, you read it right) system commands for 
investigating your system status, for cleaning out your junk files, for 
getting at secret settings for the Dock, the Finder, and all of your 
most used applications - and all sorted for easy access, any way you 

The author of this utility also has lots of other items (not all free), 
and those of you who are NextStep fans will probably find much to your 
liking at the webstie:


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