BBEdit and TeXShop files [was: Re: [OS X TeX] Mac OS X 10.2 permissions]

Joseph C. Slater joseph.slater at
Mon Sep 9 14:52:37 CEST 2002

You can use my nnfc scripts on the tools page of mac-tex to fix this. 
First run dos2unix, then mac2unix (alternatively dos2mac, unix2mac). I 
have some alternative scripts that do the replaces more easily (for 
this very reason), 2unix, 2mac, 2dos, if anyone wants them. I just 
haven't gotten around to posting them, since the current scripts can 
already do the job.
On Monday, September 9, 2002, at 04:00  AM, Bruno Voisin wrote:

> Le dimanche, 8 sep 2002, à 19:40 Europe/Paris, Holger Frauenrath a 
> écrit :
>> Speaking of which ... I tried to view TeX files I had already created 
>> with TeXShop with BBEdit. BBEdit did not recognize the line endings. 
>> They were replaced with some special character that just showed up as 
>> a rectangle. The same character was inserted at a few other places, 
>> which made it difficult to fix the problem with search&replace. Also, 
>> their was additional white space inserted at some places ...
>> Playing with the options in the Open dialog in BBEdit did not help 
>> (selecting an encoding, checking/unchecking translate line breaks).
>> Does anybody know what is going wrong and how to fix this?
> I have also seen this. My interpretation (possibly wrong): TextEdit 
> and the TeXShop editor are based on the same Apple classes, which deal 
> transparently with any kind of end-of-line character (Carriage Return 
> on Mac OS Classic, New Line on Unix and Mac OS X, Carriage Return + 
> New Line on DOS/Windows).
> Thus, if you use a file created in Classic and edited in TeXShop, the 
> file will contain a mixture of Mac-style end-of-line characters (from 
> the time it was edited under Mac OS Classic) and Unix end-of-line 
> characters (from the modifications added under OS X).
> Now BBEdit does not work like this: it reads the file and decides once 
> and for good that it's Mac, Unix or Windows. Suppose the first 
> end-of-line characters are Mac-style: BBEdit will think the file is 
> Mac-style, and display all subsequent Unix-style end-of-lines as 
> rectangles.
> The solution: use "Find" and "Replace All" to convert all end-of-lines 
> to one style only (\r is Carriage Return, \n is New Line). Once it's 
> done, you can change all end-of-lines to any style in one go, using 
> one of the pull-down menus (fifth one from the left).
> I had to cope with this not only for TeXShop, but also for importing 
> mailboxes between mailers: Eudora uses mixtures of different 
> end-of-lines in the mailbox files, and preliminary treatment is 
> necessary before successful import into other applications (Mail and 
> Netscape/Mozilla maybe, I don't remember); similarly, Mail uses Unix 
> end-of-lines and Netscape/Mozilla uses DOS/Windows end-of-lines, 
> preliminary conversion is mandatory before successful import.
> Bruno Voisin
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