[OS X TeX] [OT] Extending a figure on the external margin

Gary L. Gray gray at engr.psu.edu
Wed Sep 25 15:21:19 CEST 2002

On Wednesday, September 25, 2002, at 08:57  AM, Serge Cohen wrote:

> I'm having a doc in the Book class. In it I have large figure which I 
> want to extend over the margin. Indeed that running mostly Ok, except 
> that the margin used is always the left one, which is Ok for odd pages 
> (that then correspond to external margin) but I want it to be the 
> opposite for even pages (going on the right margin which is then the 
> external margin).

Have TeX determine whether or not the page is even or odd and then 
include the graphic file:

% then set \negevenjump to zero;
% otherwise set \negevenjump to a value which makes the graphic
% aligned with the left margin of even numbered pages.
{\setlength{\negevenjump}{-\marginparsep - \marginparwidth}}%
% Now simply include the graphic.

I haven't tried this, but it gives you the general idea (I have simply 
modified some code we have to do this from a book we are writing). Note 
it does not use the figure environment, which gives a float, so you 
will have to determine the placement of your figure and create the 

You might also search for this in comp.text.tex on Google.

Good luck,

-- Gary L. Gray

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