[OS X TeX] installing TeX-Fat.dmg

trogers at math.fsu.edu trogers at math.fsu.edu
Sun Oct 27 08:58:17 CET 2002

I'm sure you can get straightened out... all I have left -not knowing 
the CLI enough- would be a reinstall of OS X 10.2.1 (you are using a 
fully updated Jaguar, right? and I install the latest shipping Dev 

I'd do the i-installer thin first, from the desktop (use the check for 
latest button); then you simply launch and use TeXShop (downloaded 
before or after).

Sorry, to go backwards, but there it is.  Don't be discouraged, I do 
this all the time on new (and older) machines and it always 'just' 
works and everybody loves it.

I do have one more suggestion or two:  run the Apple 'fix permissions' 
thing from Disk Utility a few times.
And maybe start your machine using 'cmnd+s' and run 'fsck -y' a few 
times, too.

Good luck!

p.s. If you want Xfree86 install following these instructions exactly:
but you needn't have that for TeXShop or this list.

But that's OT, because for TeX/TeXShop you certainly don't need Xfree 
(or Fink).

On Sunday, October 27, 2002, at 02:38  AM, Tim Lighthiser wrote:

> Thank you!
> 1) The following BDS files came up in a search:
> CBSDBackingStore.strings
> perf-bsd44.html
> BSD Configuration Files
> BSD Configuration Files.dsplug
> wrG11BSD.htm
> CBSDBackingStore.strings
> CBSDBackingStore.strings
> 2) in terminal, when i do /usr/bin/basename: Command
> not found.
> 3) in terminal, when i do ls /usr/bin
> a2p                 head                ntpq
>      sed
> appletviewer        hostinfo            open
>      serialver
> arch                hoststat            openssl
>      sftp
> awk                 id                  perl
>      slogin
> c2ph                idlj                perl5.6.0
>      splain
> c_rehash            jar                 perlbug
>      split
> certtool            jarsigner           perlcc
>      ssh
> chflags             java                perldoc
>      ssh-add
> chgrp               javac               pl2pm
>      ssh-agent
> cpio                javadoc             pod2html
>      ssh-keygen
> crontab             javah               pod2latex
>      ssh-keyscan
> cups-config         javap               pod2man
>      sudo
> cut                 keytool             pod2text
>      sw_vers
> ditto               lockfile            pod2usage
>      tail
> dprofpp             logger              podchecker
>      tar
> ex                  login               podselect
>      tnameserv
> extcheck            lsbom               policytool
>      touch
> false               machine             procmail
>      tr
> find                mailq               pstruct
>      true
> find2perl           mailstat            purgestat
>      tset
> formail             more                reset
>      uname
> getopt              native2ascii        rmic
>      update_prebinding
> groups              newaliases          rmid
>      vacation
> h2ph                nice                rmiregistry
>      vi
> h2xs                nicl                s2p
>      view
> hdid                niutil              sample
>      wc
> hdiutil             ntp-wait            scp
>      whoami
> 4) negative on fink and all others
> Thank you!
> Tim
> Tim
> --- Michael Murray <mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au>
> wrote:
>>> Michael Murray wrote:
>>>>> Thank you Michael,
>>>>>  The icon is now clickable, but when I try to
>> install
>>>>>  "Unarchiving failed . . ." appears and the
>> following
>>>>>  is in the message box/es (and so on for TeX
>> foundation
>>>>>  and TeX programs)
>>>>>  gs6.01.pre_install: /usr/bin/basename: No such
>> file or
>>>>>  directory
>>>>>  gs6.01.pre_install: /usr/bin/basename: No such
>> file or
>>>>>  directory
>>>>>  tar (child): Cannot exec gzip: No such file or
>>>> If Ted's idea doesn't work the  I don't know what
>> is going on.
>>>> If in Terminal you  do
>>>> which basename
>>>> does it say
>>>> /usr/bin/basename
>>>> Or if you do ls /usr/bin is there a basename in
>> the resulting file
>>>> list ?
>>>> Have you installed anything else into the unix
>> side of the mac ?
>>>> Fink by any chance ?
>>> Quite probably he doesn't have the BSD subsystem
>> installed.
>>> basename, gzip and somewhat over 300 other commands
>> in /usr/bin are
>>> only installed if you check the "Install BSD
>> system" box during the
>>> installation of Mac OSX. Apple seems to think that
>> the typical
>>> mouse-clicking analphabetical Mac user doesn't need
>> these.
>>> --
>>> Martin
>> Ah good thought Martin. ( I thought this was a
>> default part of the
>> install that you could turn off if you wanted to but
>> which would
>> install if you didn't?  )  Tim do you recall if you
>> installed the
>> BSD sub system ?
>> Michael

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