Daily Statistics - 11/05/02

TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List MacOSX-TeX at email.esm.psu.edu
Tue Nov 5 06:00:00 CET 2002

Message posts       22
Subscribes          2
Unsubscribes        8

Total subscribers   625

-- Bounce Information --

You can copy and paste any of the following lines into an email 
administration message to unsubscribe the listed email addresses.

-- Domain name unrecognized --

unsub "MacOSX-TeX" A.Rock at cit.gu.edu.au count = 1
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" stephenmoye at home.com count = 1

-- Account unrecognized --

unsub "MacOSX-TeX" addebrauw at ucdavis.edu count = 1
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" Bernard.Schorp at iecn.u-nancy.fr count = 1
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" guarisco at pacbell.net count = 1
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" markml at wsu.edu count = 1
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" pmonohon at SLAC.Stanford.EDU count = 1
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" rfiguero at pittstate.edu count = 1
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" richardlammert at mac.com count = 1
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" rqfugate at mindspring.com count = 1

-- Couldn't connect to mail server --

unsub "MacOSX-TeX" aldrovandi at math.fsu.edu count = 11
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" arrigo at vision.caltech.edu count = 11
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" jerome.laurens at u-bourgogne.fr count = 1
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" strain at e151.cfm.brown.edu count = 10
unsub "MacOSX-TeX" trogers at math.fsu.edu count = 11

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