[OS X TeX] danish hyphenation patterns

Steffen Lund Hokland hokland at phys.au.dk
Sat Nov 2 09:24:55 CET 2002

Thanks to Marteen, Alessandro and Gerben

I went with the iInstaller, and it worked perfectely.

Thanks again.


Sadly text alone cannot convey the depth of my sarcasm.

Steffen Lund Hokland

University of Aarhus                     
Department of Physics and Astronomy     
Ny Munkegade                            
8000 Aarhus C  
Denmark, Europe

office	    :           520-227                         
Phone Office:		+45 89423610      
Phone Home  :		+45 86166608       
e-mail      :		hokland at phys.au.dk 

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