[OS X TeX] TeXShop 1.24

Michael Hanson mshanson at wesleyan.edu
Thu Nov 14 18:32:36 CET 2002

On Tuesday, November 12, 2002, at 12:33  AM, Richard Koch wrote:

> Folks,
> TeXShop 1.24 is available at
> 	http://www.uoregon.edu/~koch/texshop
> fixing two syntax coloring bugs and improving the comment and
> uncomment commands.

	Thanks for the update.  I've noticed some minor strange display 
behavior in version 1.24, which wasn't there in 1.21 to the best of my 
recollection.  If I misspell a word, TeXShop will not underline it in 
red if is it followed by a space character.  Misspelled words followed 
by a carriage return are correctly underlined in red.  Even more 
interesting:  if the misspelled word is immediately followed by 
punctuation, the misspelled word is underlined in red *before* I type a 
space after the punctuation, but once the space is typed the underlying 
disappears.  I think it's just a display bug, as I can right-click on 
the misspelled word and still get a list of spelling options ("Ignore 
Spelling", etc.) in the contextual menu.  In TextEdit, all misspelled 
words are correctly flagged (underlined in red).  This all is under OS X 
10.2.1.  Has anyone else noticed this apparent bug?  Thanks.

                                         -- Mike

Michael S. Hanson                    <http://mshanson.web.wesleyan.edu/>
Department of Economics                            mshanson at wesleyan.edu
Wesleyan University

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