[OS X TeX] Simple Illustration Program

Serge Cohen cohen at embl-grenoble.fr
Wed May 22 12:58:14 CEST 2002

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If you're looking for something like gnuplot, then you can use it.
Their is a new terminal (called aqua), which make it easys to use 
gnuplot from the command line. Graphics will be displayed by an other 
application (aqua term), which is abble to save them in pdf and eps...

For that you need to get Aqua term (http://), then the source of gnuplot 
(http://) , modify those so gnuplot be aware of aqua term and finally 
compile gnuplot.

You'll find all necessary info at : http://aquaterm.sourceforge.net/ the 
home page od the aqua term program (open source software).

I already used it for preparation of plots in an article, it's just 


Le mercredi 22 mai 2002, à 11:49 AM, Tore Haug-Warberg a écrit :

> Hi,
> I have had this problem for years and would be glad to discuss it. 
> Basically I have four distinct problems:
> 1a) Plotting x,y-data with axes and legends (Matlab)
> 1b) Plotting x,y-data with tilted axes like in triangular composition 
> diagrams (Matlab?)
> 2)   Vector based drawings (Omnigraffle?)
> 3)   Free-hand drawings (no alternatives)
> Maybe we should go off-line and come back when (if) we reach a 
> conclusion?
> Tore.
> PS. I am teaching thermodynamics myself and have a constant need of 
> making simple diagrams with correct slopes but otherwise arbitrary. So, 
> a drawing program with interpreted in-line math-functions would be 
> GREAT (maybe I should look at GNU-plot once more).
> At 07:43 PM 5/15/02 -0500, Zachary S. Davis wrote:
>> Wednesday, 15 May 2002
>> Hello,
>> I need to make some simple thermodynamic cycle (Brayton/Humphrey 
>> cycles) illustrations to include into my LaTeX document.  I was 
>> wondering what kind of program others use to accomplish similar task 
>> where a simple diagram is needed for inclusion into a LaTeX file.
>> Thanks,
>> ========================================================
>> Zachary S. Davis
>> Department of Aerospace Engineering
>> University of Texas at Arlington
>> P.O. Box 19032
>> Arlington, TX 76019
>> Home:    (817) 272-6418            zsd3711 at gamma2.uta.edu
>> Office:     (817) 272-5269
>>          "Genius, that power that dazzles mortal eyes,
>>           is oft but perseverance in disguise."
>>                         --Henry Willard Austin
>> ========================================================
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Serge Cohen

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