[OS X TeX] Adobe fonts and CM

Aloysius Gerardus Helminck loek at unity.ncsu.edu
Tue May 28 23:33:43 CEST 2002

The Garamond fonts do not combine well with the CM fonts.
It is much better to use the (commercial) Mathtime fonts.

A few years ago I created a bunch of virtual fonts and style files
to use the mathtime fonts (properly scaled) with some adobe families.
This included Adobe Garamond, Caslon, Minion, Utopia, Times, Palatino and
Stone Serif. They resided on CTAN about 7 or 8 years ago.
The style file for garamond was called: agarmt.sty.
I am not sure if it is still there. It was part of the fontinst
distribution. If there is sufficient interest I would be happy to
repost them on CTAN, although I could not do it for a few weeks, since I
am traveling and won't have access to my computer for a while.
They work well with Texshop etc.


On Tue, 28 May 2002, [ISO-8859-1] Xoán Pedracova wrote:

> 	Hi everybody.
> 	Thank you for your quick reply. Apologize me  if I wasn't  too
> specific.  I've been giving it another try and I think I've finally got
> it. My problem was  I put the new fonts in the texmf.local directory, as
> Gerben  recommends. But this way, dvips can't find the CMF  files
> because they are laid in the texmf tree and  latex tries to build a
> bitmapped set which are dot displayed well in pdf, am I  right? Then, I
> put all the vf, tfm, pfb, fd and the pad.confg in the original texmf
> and  modified and run again updmap. This way, things work, but the next
> update I do, I possibly will overwrite my fonts. What I would like to do
> is to keep the new fonts, say AGaramond,  in the texmf.local and be able
> to load the pfb Computer Modern Fonts instead of making the bitmapped
> ones  every time I have to run pdflatex. Otherwise, I'd have to copy the
> entire texmf tree to texmf.local which seems to be a very dirt trick.
> Does this in any way  have to do with the mathtime & book.cls thread
> from May 18 to  20 in this list?
> 	 English is not one of my strongs. I hope to be more clear this time.
> 	Thanks again.
> On Tuesday, May 28, 2002, at 03:51 PM, Michael Betsch wrote:
> > On Tue, 28 May 2002, Xoán Pedracova wrote:
> >
> >> 	Hi everybody.
> >>
> >> 	Possibly, this has been dealt  here before but, is there any way to
> >> combine computer modern fonts and the adobe postscript  ones without
> >> bad
> >> displaying? I'm trying to produce  a master thesis with teTeX in MacOSX
> >> and the Adobe Garamond font as default roman. Following the  given
> >> hints
> >> in this list a few weeks ago I got it installed, but I've noticed the
> >> mathsyms I need to  use aren't displayed well, I guess this happens
> >> because they are computer modern fonts and I have  to comment the
> >> updmap
> >> file as follows. Am I wrong?
> >>
> >> #lw35=urw-kb             # URW fonts (download type1 files using Berry
> >> names)
> >> # lw35=urw-urw          # URW fonts (download type1 files using URW
> >> names)
> >> lw35=adobe-kb         # Adobe fonts (download type1 files using Berry
> >> names)
> >
> > This is probably not the solution. The lines quoted concern only
> > Standard
> > PostScript fonts (those that reside in the printer). Computer Modern
> > fonts
> > are not affected by these lines. Could you prepare a minimal file that
> > shows your problem? Are you calling any unusual math fonts?
> >
> > __________________________________________________________________________
> > Dr. Michael Betsch
> > privat:
> > SFB 441, Projekt B1
> > Nauklerstraße 35                                        Rappenberghalde
> > 27
> > 72074 Tübingen                                              72070
> > Tübingen
> > Tel. 07071/29-77161                                       Tel.
> > 07071/51917
> > email: Michael.Betsch at uni-tuebingen.de
> > __________________________________________________________________________
> >
> >
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Aloysius Helminck (Loek)
Department of Mathematics
North Carolina State University
Box 8205
Raleigh, NC 27695-8205
Tel: (919) 515-1876
Fax: (919) 515-3798

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