MacOSX-TeX Digest #257 - 03/07/02
TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List
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Fri Mar 8 02:00:01 CET 2002
MacOSX-TeX Digest #257 - Thursday, March 7, 2002
Re: [OS X TeX] I need some info
by "david craig" <dac at>
could use some info
by <get86 at>
Re: [OS X TeX] problem using gs 6.52 with teTeX
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
printing: paper formats...
by <christoph.lehmann at>
Re: [OS X TeX] printing: paper formats...
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Re: [OS X TeX] printing: paper formats...
by <christoph.lehmann at>
New Installer program help file posted, comments welcome
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Re: [OS X TeX] problem using gs 6.52 with teTeX
by <o.larroche at>
Re: [OS X TeX] problem using gs 6.52 with teTeX
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Re: [OS X TeX] printing: paper formats...
by "Piet van Oostrum" <piet at>
modifying the .out file (and latex2html)
by "Bruce D'Arcus" <bdarcus at>
newbie:figures, figurelist, caption...
by <christoph.lehmann at>
Re: [OS X TeX] modifying the .out file (and latex2html)
by "Piet van Oostrum" <piet at>
Re: [OS X TeX] problem using gs 6.52 with teTeX
by "Ross Moore" <ross at>
Re: [OS X TeX] newbie:figures, figurelist, caption...
by "J.Huelsmann" <J.Huelsmann at>
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] I need some info
From: "david craig" <dac at>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 20:23:51 -0500 (EST)
> On pre-OS X Macs, this includes OzTeX
... and also post-Mac OS X: a fully carbonized OzTeX has been in beta
for quite a while now, and is essentially finished at this point. I get
the impression that the release of OzTeX 5.0 is imminent. (A bunch of
us have been using it happily for months now. Until I started to write
this post, I'd forgotten that it was actually still technically a beta.)
David Craig
Subject: could use some info
From: <get86 at>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 23:22:36 -0500
I had some trouble installing OzTeX 5b7 for some professors... they had
version 4 present as well.
I thought everything was fine when apparently parts of the b7 install
just disappeared or it started using parts of v4. Causing my clients to
ask for removal because they said it was "messing" up version 4.
I followed the "if v4 is present" install instructions to the tee.
I can't explain it in any more detail because I don't have them, sorry.
Just wondering if anyone saw anything remotely similar?
Another thing, most of my people who are using OzTeX really use (if I
can say that) Alpha. That is, these are hard ones to win over to
something that's on OS X now... e.g., TeXShop, et al.
I hoping for Gerben's new stuff soon and some of those "html"
capabilities to become a bit more apparent/stable. I'm also awaiting
some things (I heard?) to develop with mac-emacs, very soon; so that
these things will become the packages I put together for my 'clients'
coming into OS X. Again, the hardest won seem to be those who use Alpha
the most.
If anyone has an experience with being "won over" from Alpha to
something on OS X now, please share with me?
Ted Rogers
FSU MathNet | Apple Systems
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] problem using gs 6.52 with teTeX
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 09:07:32 +0100
On Wednesday, March 6, 2002, at 11:09 , Olivier Larroche wrote:
> - running xdvi (that I also compiled from source) on the same dvi
> files gives a
> satisfactory display, which, as far as I understand, tends to mean that
> the
> problem lies in dvips (that's the version that came with texshop, I only
> replaced gs-related stuff).
That is a curious conclusion to draw. You replace gs with another
version and conclude dvips is at fault. I would say that the combination
of dvips+gs6.52 gives different results than dvips+gs6.02 and that it is
most likely that something is wrong with your gs setup. On the other
hand, differences between gs6.52 and gs6.02 are not that big.
Having said that, I think it is good to test
dvips -Ppdf
altpdftex --dviopts="-Ppdf"
If that helps, the 'problem' (in fact it is a setting) was there in the
first place and you probably just didn't notice it.
Since I do not use X11, I cannot help you on this one and test it out.
But I do know that there are newer versions of gs available, e.g. 7.02.
Before you go on trying to find out what is going on, you'd better
upgrade first if -Ppdf does not help.
Note: TeX produces device independent output (dvi) it is one of it's
strength. pdfTeX bypasses that by producing device-oriented output
directly. By using PDF as the output device a lot of device-independence
(read: vector formats for fonts) returns but it partly destroys TeX's
purpose because that output is somewhat inferior since the best results
for a particular device always remains using a dvi-to-dvice program with
only bitmapped fonts (the PDF is good enough for screen and ordinary
print, though).
A good solution would be to have two processes for creating output (just
like on the NeXT had): a "dvips+gs" using printer resolution
for print output and a "dvips -Ppdf + gs" (or the appropriate altpdftex
commands) for printer output.
A frontend could handle that by rerunning altpdftex (I don't think it is
possible to influence pdfTeX that way at this moment) with a different
setting when printing to a different pdf file and printing that file.
Subject: printing: paper formats...
From: <christoph.lehmann at>
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 09:54:27 +0100
I have serious problems with texshop and os 10.1.3: When I print from
texshop, preview, adobe's acrobat I get 3 different printouts. I get
crazy, since none of these reflects my wishes (I used the geometry
package: \usepackage[left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry} .
Please help me. I have to submitt a paper!
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] printing: paper formats...
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 12:27:32 +0100
On Thursday, March 7, 2002, at 09:54 , christoph.lehmann at wrote:
> Please help me. I have to submitt a paper!
Does it matter if you use pdfTeX or TeX+dvips from TeXShop?
Do you have the same different outputs when you do not use the geometry
package (use TeXShop's template to test this, but remove all information
on papersize (letter) from it.
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] printing: paper formats...
From: <christoph.lehmann at>
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 13:25:08 +0100
thanks Gerben
Yes, the same problem without the geometry package and no difference if
I use the doublespace package or not: texshop and preview are the same.
acroread scales it up. I use pdflatex.
On Thursday, March 7, 2002, at 12:27 PM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
> On Thursday, March 7, 2002, at 09:54 , christoph.lehmann at wrote:
>> Please help me. I have to submitt a paper!
> Does it matter if you use pdfTeX or TeX+dvips from TeXShop?
> Do you have the same different outputs when you do not use the geometry
> package (use TeXShop's template to test this, but remove all
> information on papersize (letter) from it.
> G
Subject: New Installer program help file posted, comments welcome
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 14:27:38 +0100
I have written an internet-aware, lazy download installer program and am
at the point of releasing it with three packages:
- Tex Live binaries
- TeX texmf tree
- ghostscript
This program is a generic installer and other people may be able to use
it to distribute software. I will use it for distributing my TeX
The program is finished in its first version. I have posted the help
file, which describes the program on
I welcome your comments before I finalize and release.
Gerben Wierda
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] problem using gs 6.52 with teTeX
From: <o.larroche at>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 14:35:15 +0100 (CET)
> On Wednesday, March 6, 2002, at 11:09 , Olivier Larroche wrote:
>> - running xdvi (that I also compiled from source) on the same dvi
>> files gives a
>> satisfactory display, which, as far as I understand, tends to mean
>> that the
>> problem lies in dvips (that's the version that came with texshop, I
>> only replaced gs-related stuff).
> That is a curious conclusion to draw. You replace gs with another
> version and conclude dvips is at fault. I would say that the
> combination of dvips+gs6.52 gives different results than dvips+gs6.02
> and that it is most likely that something is wrong with your gs setup.
> On the other hand, differences between gs6.52 and gs6.02 are not that
> big.
> Having said that, I think it is good to test
> dvips -Ppdf
> or
> altpdftex --dviopts="-Ppdf"
> If that helps, the 'problem' (in fact it is a setting) was there in the
> first place and you probably just didn't notice it.
> Since I do not use X11, I cannot help you on this one and test it out.
> But I do know that there are newer versions of gs available, e.g. 7.02.
> Before you go on trying to find out what is going on, you'd better
> upgrade first if -Ppdf does not help.
> Note: TeX produces device independent output (dvi) it is one of it's
> strength. pdfTeX bypasses that by producing device-oriented output
> directly. By using PDF as the output device a lot of
> device-independence (read: vector formats for fonts) returns but it
> partly destroys TeX's purpose because that output is somewhat inferior
> since the best results for a particular device always remains using a
> dvi-to-dvice program with only bitmapped fonts (the PDF is good enough
> for screen and ordinary print, though).
> A good solution would be to have two processes for creating output
> (just like on the NeXT had): a "dvips+gs" using printer
> resolution for print output and a "dvips -Ppdf + gs" (or the
> appropriate altpdftex commands) for printer output.
> A frontend could handle that by rerunning altpdftex (I don't think it
> is possible to influence pdfTeX that way at this moment) with a
> different setting when printing to a different pdf file and printing
> that file.
> G
Thank you for the tip about using dvips -Ppdf, it does work for me!
Still, for my own understanding (and may be other people's as well...), how
come I get a different result by running:
dvips some.dvi -o => => ps2pdf => some.pdf
dvips -Ppdf some.dvi -o => => ps2pdf => some.pdf
(in both cases I use my new version of gs/ps2pdf). Does dvips rely on any
gs-related settings in the first case and not in the second? Also if texshop
uses the second approach, then why does it display garbage whereas dvips
-Ppdf gives a normal result?
Thank you again anyway
Olivier Larroche
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] problem using gs 6.52 with teTeX
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 16:52:57 +0100
>> Note: TeX produces device independent output (dvi) it is one of it's
>> strength. pdfTeX bypasses that by producing device-oriented output
>> directly. By using PDF as the output device a lot of
>> device-independence (read: vector formats for fonts) returns but it
>> partly destroys TeX's purpose because that output is somewhat inferior
>> since the best results for a particular device always remains using a
>> dvi-to-dvice program with only bitmapped fonts (the PDF is good enough
>> for screen and ordinary print, though).
>> A good solution would be to have two processes for creating output
>> (just like on the NeXT had): a "dvips+gs" using printer
>> resolution for print output and a "dvips -Ppdf + gs" (or the
>> appropriate altpdftex commands) for printer output.
>> A frontend could handle that by rerunning altpdftex (I don't think it
>> is possible to influence pdfTeX that way at this moment) with a
>> different setting when printing to a different pdf file and printing
>> that file.
>> G
> Thank you for the tip about using dvips -Ppdf, it does work for me!
> Still, for my own understanding (and may be other people's as well...),
> how
> come I get a different result by running:
> dvips some.dvi -o => => ps2pdf => some.pdf
> and
> dvips -Ppdf some.dvi -o => => ps2pdf => some.pdf
> (in both cases I use my new version of gs/ps2pdf). Does dvips rely on
> any
> gs-related settings in the first case and not in the second? Also if
> texshop
> uses the second approach, then why does it display garbage whereas dvips
> -Ppdf gives a normal result?
This is what I tried to explain above. With -Ppdf, dvips uses a
different mapping for fonts. It uses type1 fonts where it has normal teX
(metafont) fonts available. When it uses metafont fonts, it includes
bitmaps at the resolution set on your system (normally 600dpi). These
are not 'anti-aliased' (dithered at the edges) and therefore they look
ugly on screen. But they look best on paper (at 600dpi).
The difference between -Ppdf and not is thus that it uses type 1
versions of available metafont fonts. These look slightly worse when
printing, normally, because they are resolution independent and thus
less optimized for actual printing.
All of this has absolutely *nothing* to do with gs.
The official teTeX way of handling this is doing a lot of unix stuff and
runnig some unix scripts to make using the type1 metafont variants the
default. But that would disable returning in an easy way to maximum
print quality, so this is why I do not ship it that way. Moving from no
type1-variants to type1-variants is simple (-Ppdf) but the other way
around is impossible from teh command line without changing your setup.
Since altpdftex is called by TeXShop when it wants the tex+dvips+gs
route, it would be best that you could give it free format arguments.
you could then add --dviopts "-Ppdf" to the calling of altpdftex.
Richard Koch has promised to look at that for a next release.
pdfTeX on the other hand assumes it makes PDF anyway, and is therefore
configured to use as many sclable type1 versions as it can find.
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] printing: paper formats...
From: "Piet van Oostrum" <piet at>
Date: 07 Mar 2002 17:22:53 +0100
>>>>> christoph.lehmann at (cl) writes:
cl> thanks Gerben
cl> Yes, the same problem without the geometry package and no difference if I
cl> use the doublespace package or not: texshop and preview are the same.
cl> acroread scales it up. I use pdflatex.
In the print dialog select bthe Acrobat reader options. There are options
`Shrink oversize pages to papersize' and `Enlarge small pages to
papersize'. Does it help to switch these off? Also check in the page Setup
dialog that the proper page size is selected.
Piet van Oostrum <piet at>
Private email: P.van.Oostrum at
Subject: modifying the .out file (and latex2html)
From: "Bruce D'Arcus" <bdarcus at>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 12:40:56 -0500
To make a long story short, I need to modify the .out file for a
document before outputting a pdf from TeXShop. How do I make TS accept
the modified .out file, rather than just overwriting it?
Also, I finally got latext2html installed per suggestions, but I can't
seem to get it to work right. From the terminal:
> [localhost:~] bdarcus% latex2html /Users/bdarcus/Documents/testdoc.tex
> latex2html: Command not found.
What am I doing wrong?
Subject: newbie:figures, figurelist, caption...
From: <christoph.lehmann at>
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 19:05:07 +0100
for my first publication I need help
I have to print all figures at the end of the document (I could do
this), with a figure list at the beginning (well I could do this, but
what do I have to do, that I don't have page number any more on the
pages with the figures?) and: as caption just "Fig. X
nameOfCorrespondingAuthor"), the caption printed on a new page....
I love LaTex but the beginning is hard...
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] modifying the .out file (and latex2html)
From: "Piet van Oostrum" <piet at>
Date: 07 Mar 2002 21:46:52 +0100
>>>>> "Bruce D'Arcus" <bdarcus at> (BD) writes:
BD> To make a long story short, I need to modify the .out file for a document
BD> before outputting a pdf from TeXShop. How do I make TS accept the modified
BD> .out file, rather than just overwriting it?
BD> Also, I finally got latext2html installed per suggestions, but I can't seem
BD> to get it to work right. From the terminal:
>> [localhost:~] bdarcus% latex2html /Users/bdarcus/Documents/testdoc.tex
>> latex2html: Command not found.
BD> What am I doing wrong?
Check if the directory in which latex2html is installed is in the PATH
environment variable.
Piet van Oostrum <piet at>
Private email: P.van.Oostrum at
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] problem using gs 6.52 with teTeX
From: "Ross Moore" <ross at>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 08:30:21 +1100 (EST)
Hi Gerben
> The difference between -Ppdf and not is thus that it uses type 1
> versions of available metafont fonts. These look slightly worse when
> printing, normally, because they are resolution independent and thus
> less optimized for actual printing.
> The official teTeX way of handling this is doing a lot of unix stuff and
> runnig some unix scripts to make using the type1 metafont variants the
> default. But that would disable returning in an easy way to maximum
> print quality, so this is why I do not ship it that way. Moving from no
> type1-variants to type1-variants is simple (-Ppdf) but the other way
> around is impossible from teh command line without changing your setup.
This is precisely the point that I've tried to make a couple of times,
on this and/or the pdftex list, when people have asked why Type 1 fonts
are not the default for dvips.
You have just said it better than I was able to.
> Since altpdftex is called by TeXShop when it wants the tex+dvips+gs
> route, it would be best that you could give it free format arguments.
> you could then add --dviopts "-Ppdf" to the calling of altpdftex.
> Richard Koch has promised to look at that for a next release.
> pdfTeX on the other hand assumes it makes PDF anyway, and is therefore
> configured to use as many sclable type1 versions as it can find.
> All of this has absolutely *nothing* to do with gs.
Not quite true. You can make it relevant to GS, since you can
--- and probably should --- configure GS to find the Type 1 fonts
itself. It has a Fontmap file, as well as a variable $GS_FONTS .
Now you can write config files for dvips (called and , say) which cause Type 1 fonts to be *not* embedded
into the .ps files generated using dvips -Pgs .
This keeps the files much smaller in size, yet they work perfectly
with ps2pdf or any other use of Ghostscript, since it finds the
fonts itself.
This is easily the best way to work with LaTeX2HTML, which needs to
make *lots* of PostScript images, prior to processing these
with Ghostscript, to eventually become .gif or .png .
(The difference can be hundreds of MB of temporary storage.)
BTW, it's better to use Type 1 rather than resolution-optimized bitmaps
for these low-res images, since Ghostscript can anti-alias the fonts.
The results on-screen are truly significant.
Hope this helps,
> G
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Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] newbie:figures, figurelist, caption...
From: "J.Huelsmann" <J.Huelsmann at>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 22:45:07 +0100
Have a look at
there is a very good FAQ-list where you can search for answers...
There is a package to put all the figures to the end but what´s the
name, maybe endfloat or something like this? The pagenumber-thing
depends on your header/footer setting but you can turn everything off
inserted behind your figure-list
hope this helps.
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