[OS X TeX] OzTeX 5.0a and xypic

Michael Murray mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Wed Mar 27 12:18:28 CET 2002

>On Wednesday, March 27, 2002, at 04:47 AM, Michael Murray wrote:
>>If you have teTeX installed xy-pic comes with it and teTeX also
>>has the appropriate .pfb xypic ps fonts.
>Ah-ha. (newbie question): teTeX -which I have installed on OSX many 
>times... does not install on OS9, correct?


>Also, didn't/doesn't xy-pic come with OzTeX 4? If you happen to know....
>I *thought* Andrew Trevorrow told me it did... so, I'm 
>thinking/guessing it will be included on his new CD but not in the 
>downloaded version(?).
>(I better copy this to the list... so I don't misspeak or 
>misunderstand, i.e., so I can get corrected!)

I think it must be the CD. If I look at my OzTeX 4.1 folder I have xy-pic
installed in the MyTeX folder which is where I put all the things I installed
myself so it wasn't part of the downloaded release.

I have used it with OzTeX though and it worked fine if  you take
into account my earlier remarks about the postscript fonts.

Assoc/Prof Michael Murray                                                   
Department of Pure Mathematics       Fax: 61+ 8 8303 
University of Adelaide             Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174       
Australia  5005      Email: mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au             
Home Page: http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/pure/mmurray
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