working around Illustrator bugs (was Re: [OS X TeX] epstopdf (2.8draft))

Ullrich Steiner u.steiner at
Mon Mar 25 17:33:59 CET 2002

if I understand you correctly, the problem is that Illustrator doe no 
set the pdf bounding box correctly.

There are two work arounds:

1. when in Illustrator. do "select all" and open the Info window that 
shows you the size of the selected object.  Then open Document Setup and 
type in the width and height values from the Info window.  Finally move 
your graphics into the bounding box.  Not elegant and somewhat 
cumbersome, but works.

2. Save you Illustrator graphics as pdf, open with Acrobat and do "crop 
pages".  Works also, but requires that you have to switch between 
Illustrator and Acrobat a lot.


On Monday, March 25, 2002, at 02:09 AM, Dr. Paul Fons wrote:

>  In order to get around the MediaBox bug of Illustrator X (it sets the 
> image size to A4 as opposed to the artwork), I have been saving my 
> artwork as a eps file from Illustrator and then using epstopdf (teTeX 
> flavor - version 2.8draft).  This works (sort of).  I find I can open 
> the files in Acrobat and display them correctly.  When I attempt to 
> read the files back into Illustrator again, however, all of the line 
> widths are increase by a factor of 10 (e.g. 1.5 point width becomes 15 
> point).  This makes for some interesting variations in my original 
> artwork, but is not particularly useful for the presentation I had in 
> mind (I still don't want to use powerpoint -- it has its own 
> problems).  Any ideas of workarounds for this issue -- a new version 
> perhaps?  Also does anyone know to whom this bug should be reported?  I 
> doubt it is Adobe's problem -- pdf files saved by Illustrator can be 
> modified and saved and Acrobat and reimported without problem.  All I 
> really want to do is to work around the MediaBox problem in a simple 
> manner, if possible, preserving the ability to further edit the files 
> in Illustrator.  Any suggestions?
> Dr. Paul Fons
> Senior Research Scientist
> National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
> Optoelectronics Institute
> Energy Electronics Institute
> Umezono 1-1-1
> Tsukuba, Ibaraki
> JAPAN 305-8568
> paul-fons at
> lines below are in Japanese:
> 〒305-8568茨城県つくば市梅園1-1-1
> 主任研究官ポール・フォンス
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Ullrich Steiner
Department of Polymer Chemistry
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
NL-9747AG Groningen
The Netherlands

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