[OS X TeX] Fink and LaTeX2HTML question

get86 at mac.com get86 at mac.com
Mon Mar 4 00:46:53 CET 2002

IIRC, gerben's distro is using GS6 due to probs w/ GS7.

if that's true, and i think it is (or was)... i wish Fink would do these 
things, i.e., NOT have to install all this junk to be able to use Fink 
for a package.

this was my recent complaint -there's just to much 'middlemen'... so to 


On Sunday, March 3, 2002, at 05:03  PM, Martin Stokhof wrote:

> At 08:25 +1100 on 04/03/02, Ross Moore wrote:
> .....
>> More likely it is through Ghostscript.
>> Under Unix, LaTeX2HTML calls  gs  which can be an X application.
>> However, it calls it as a filter, so that X isn't actually used.
> I checked and found that, along with the xfree86-base package, Fink did 
> indeed install Ghostscript version 7.02 , but not xdvi or xpdf.
>> Since you already have  Ghostscript  for MacOS X (it was probably 
>> installed along with TeXShop) then my next guess
>> is that  fink  needs to be told that LaTeX2HTML will use that.
>> This may be enough to resolve the problem.
> But that was not an option Fink presented, as far as I can recall. Btw, 
> could this be connected with the fact that Gerben's teTeX installs an 
> earlier version of Ghostscript?
>> Alternatively, since I don't know fink at all, but know LaTeX2HTML
>> intimately, can you tell  fink to ignore the dependency on  gs ?
>> If that works, we can adjust the installation afterwards to recover.
> As I already installed latex2html, I guess I could only answer that if 
> I first uninstalled everything. I may do that at some point, just for 
> curiosity's sake, but maybe Bruce D'Arcus or somebody else who hasn't 
> installed latex2html yet could give this a try?
>> I know others have succeeded with LaTeX2HTML on MacOS X,
>> but do not know whether they used fink; also they probably
>> did persevere with XFree86, being long-time TeX users.
>> Cheers,
>> 	Ross
> Thanks for all your suggestions. Martin
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