[OS X TeX] Captions in graphix

Dr. Paul Fons paul-fons at aist.go.jp
Mon Mar 11 05:34:45 CET 2002

On Monday, March 11, 2002, at 12:14  PM, Ross Moore wrote:

>> \begin{figure}[h!]
>> \centering
>> \includegraphics{figure1}
>> \caption{The near-edge region of a Cu-doped
>> ($\mathrm{T_{Cu}:800^{\circ}\,C}$) ZnO film (thinner lines) as grown 
>> (g)
>> and post-anneal (a). The near-edge spectra for $\mathrm{Cu_{2}O}$ and
>> CuO samples (thick lines) are included for reference }
>> \label{fig:Cu800Ts300}
>> \end{figure}
>> The caption for the graphic is in a *larger* font than the text body -
>> and extends over the margin of the main body text (it looks very bad).
>> Is there someway to "fix" this?
> That shouldn't happen. The standard definition for captions
> finishes as follows:
>     \normalsize
>     \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par
>   \endgroup}
> with the data being passed as #3.
> It is \normalsize  which determines the font sizes here.
> Are you sure that you don't have a different command (e.g. \small )
> for the outside text ?
> Then the \normalsize for the caption will indeed be larger.
> If this is the case, you could redefine \normalsize ,
> or just rebind it with  \let\normalsize\small .
> If you try this rebinding, look carefully at other parts of the
> document --- e.g. headers, footers, titles, etc.
> to be sure that you are getting the size that you really want.
> (The "right" approach is to define your own document-class
> in which all the sizes are determined explicitly.
> This is definitely the best, when you are going to be creating
> lots of similar documents.)

Whoops, figured it out.  I had used \abstract{ abstract body} to 
delimitate the abstract body.  This was making pdftex
think the whole paper content was an abstract and reducing the typesize 
accordingly.  I never did understand the limitations
of the \environment{text text} command.  This works for emphasis or the 
like does it not, e.g. \emph{a phrase} correctly, why doesn't it work 
for something like abstract?

Dr. Paul Fons
Photonics Research Institute
National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Ministry of Economics and Trade
Umezono 1-1-1
Tsukuba, Japan 305-8568
tel. 81-298-61-5636 fax. 81-298-61-5615

paul-fons at aist.go.jp

Lines below are in Japanese
独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所光技術部門
〒305-8568 茨城県つくば市梅園1-1-1 産総研つくば中央第2
E-mail: paul-fons at aist.go.jp, Tel. 0298-61-5636, Fax. 0298-61-5615
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