[OS X TeX] Epstopdf and the bounding box?

Peter Erwin erwin at ll.iac.es
Sat Mar 2 20:33:04 CET 2002

>On 3/2/02 11:24 AM, "Piet van Oostrum" <piet at cs.uu.nl> wrote:
>>>>>>>  Bob Strain <strain at cfm.brown.edu> (BS) writes:


>>  BS> is a typical exchange with the computer:
>>  BS> -% epstopdf plot6.eps
>>  BS> ==> Warning: BoundingBox not found!
>>  If there is no bounding box, it is not a proper EPS files..


>>  Anyway, take care that the proper
>>  %%BoundingBox comment is added.
>I'm not sure what you mean here.  I have used -hires and -exact to no avail.
>I have tried eps and eps level 2.

A proper EPS file has a line very near the top which says something like:

%%BoundingBox: 79 225 545 573

(the actual numbers will vary, but there should be four of them)

Try opening your file in a text editor, or just typing "more plot6.eps"
at the command-line prompt, to see if that line is indeed there.

It sounds like your matlab-generated files don't have proper bounding
boxes (which basically describe what part of the full PostScript page is
actually used by the figure).

One possible solution is to try the "ps2epsi" program, which is part of
Ghostscript (and thus should be installed if you installed a Ghostscript
package).  E.g.,

prompt% ps2epsi plot6.eps plot6_new.eps

(or something like that)

and see whether epstopdf like that better...


Peter Erwin                   Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
erwin at ll.iac.es               C/ Via Lactea s/n
tel. +34 922 605 244          38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain

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