[OS X TeX] Two questions (documentation-related)

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu Mar 28 03:21:03 CET 2002

I experience the same problem as Martin, but, if I recall correctly, 
only after Locator incorporated the preview option which I use.

Both Locator, MacJanitor and the built in locate.updatedb script use 
the same database in /var/db/locate.database - if different databases 
would be used the problem wouldn't arise.

To be absolutely sure one should disable the preview option in 
Locator and try again.


>On March 27, Martin Stokhof writes:
>>  on my  PowerBook that isn't up 24/7. One of the tasks that's in
>>  MacJanitor' weekly script is to update the locate database. What
>>  happens is that after MacJanitor has done that, Locator can't find
>>  files anymore and needs to rebuild the database (which, as Locator
>>  warns, indeed takes quite some time). Is this a bug in MacJanitor?
>>  Locator?
>probably you have the fink new version of locate installed in /sw
>(rather than in /usr) which uses a different database. MacJanitor uses
>To check which locate are you using, do a
>which locate
>-- e.
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Claus Gerhardt
Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 294
69120 Heidelberg

Homepage: http://www.math.uni-heidelberg.de/studinfo/gerhardt/
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