[OS X TeX] How to Insert Graphics Using TeXShop?

Berndt Farwer farwer at informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Tue Mar 12 08:31:38 CET 2002

To force the placement of figures to the [h] position you can include 
\usepackage{here} in your header and then use the placement option [H].  
This workes for me ...


On Dienstag, März 12, 2002, at 02:19 , Zachary Davis wrote:

> Unfortunately, the [h] label didn't seem to place the floats where they 
> were declared in the source file, and kept skipping over segments of 
> text (complete sections) until they were placed in the next free page.  
> I've tried adjusting the spacing between floats on a page, the 
> textwidth, textheight, etc. to see what I could control by altering 
> each.  However, the placement of figures is still less than would be 
> desired.

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