[OS X TeX] damn... how to surpress chapter titles?

Bruno Voisin Bruno.Voisin at hmg.inpg.fr
Mon Jul 1 16:31:47 CEST 2002

Le lundi 1 juillet 2002, à 03:10 , mahakk a écrit :

> i'm using the class "report", and when i use
>     \chapter{How it all started}
>     \chapter{How it ended}
> i get
>     Chapter 1
>     How it all started
>     Chapter 2
>     How it ended
> but i want it to be
>     1 How it all started
>     2 How it ended
> plus, i want only the chapters' titles to appear in the table of 
> contents,
> not the "chapter"-prefix.

It's not really Mac OS X-specific stuff. I don't know about the FAQs, 
but generally when you want to fine-tune the output of LaTeX you need to:

- first look at the LaTeX Companion (fairly outdated); and, if your 
question isn't answered there,

- look at how the output of LaTeX is created in the various files 
defining the LaTeX format.

These files are in /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/. For the 
"report" document class, the chapter head is created by the control 
sequences \@makechapterhead (for \chapter{stuff}) and \@makeschapterhead 
(for \chapter*{stuff}), defined in report.cls. To suppress "Chapter " 
you have to copy the definition of these sequences, paste them in the 
preamble of you document, enclose them between \makeatletter and 
\makeatother, and rewrite the lines:

     \ifnum \c at secnumdepth >\m at ne
         \huge\bfseries \@chapapp\space \thechapter
         \vskip 20\p@
     \Huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak

(inferring that \@chapapp creates the word "Chapter", \thechapter the 
chapter number, \par the line break and #1 the chapter title).

Similarly for changing the table-of-contents entry you need to 
redefine \@chapter and \@schapter (which define what information goes 
into the table of contents) and \l at chapter (which defines how each entry 
of the table is formatted).

For example last week I was writing a report using the "report" class, 
and here's the chapter-related stuff that went into the preamble 
(assuming the package "ifthen" was loaded before):

     \ifthenelse{\value{secnumdepth}>-1}{\thechapter. }{}%
\renewcommand*{\l at chapter}[2]
       \vspace{1.0em plus 1pt}

Good luck!

Bruno Voisin

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