[OS X TeX] lucida
Michael Murray
mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Sat Jul 6 06:09:53 CEST 2002
>I have the same problem with lucida. And i get the same log print out as Gary.
>Looks like the install has removed the map file for these non-cm fonts.
Hi all
I had a similar problem to this with the latest install. I exchanged a
few emails with Gerben and then while messing about myself ran updmap
and the problem went away. After that I couldn't get it to reoccur
and so Gerben and I stopped looking for what had gone wrong.
I did find along the way that I could fix it by adding
`map +lucidabr.map' to pdftex.cf I shouldn't need to do that
though and when the problem went away tex started to complain
about some fonts being defined twice so I had to remove
that line.
The last discussion I had with Gerben was:
>There probably was a psfonts.map in texmf.local that had
>lucidabr.map missing for some reason.
>No way to find out now what was wrong as it has been overwritten by
>now, let's forget about it.
>On Friday, June 21, 2002, at 02:38 , Michael Murray wrote:
>>I did `updmap' at the command line and the problem went away. I can't make
>>it come back now. I reinstalled a couple of time and it stays OK. I
>>reinstalled the older version I have and then the new one and it
>>still stays OK.
Have you guys looked at the psfonts.map in texmf.local ?
I have gone back to an earlier install now as something else I am
using doesn't work with the latest dvips. But thats nothing to
do with the teTeX stuff.
Assoc/Prof Michael Murray
School of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303
University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174
Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Home Page: http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/pure/mmurray
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