[OS X TeX] Re: An EndNotes-importable Mac OS X Bib Tool
Jeff Collins
vze22kt4 at verizon.net
Wed Jul 3 15:41:53 CEST 2002
>>>Subject: An EndNotes-importable Mac OS X Bib Tool
>>>From: "Mark Guzdial" <guzdial at cc.gatech.edu>
>>>Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 10:36:43 -0400
>>>I've been struggling with using EndNotes still-in-classic while doing
>>>all my work in OS X. The struggle is that copy from Classic doesn't
>>>seem to always register as a paste in OS X. I can paste from EndNote
>>>into the Classic Scrapbook, but not into any OS X applications.
>>On Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at 09:56 AM, Fredrik Wallenberg wrote:
>> While not as powerful as either BookEnds or EndNotes, I get all I need
>> from BibDesk. Why? Because I'm ONLY interested in bibtex and don't care
>> about integration into Word etc.
I thought I might mention the reason I can't seem to give up EndNote,
even though it requires classic (an OS X version is in beta, I hear).
EndNote beats all the others I've tried in its manner of interaction with
the user. In EndNote, typing in the first few letters of an author's name
brings you directly to that author's work in the list of all works. If
you can't remember the author name, pressing cmd-F and typing in a few
words you do remember brings up all the references with those words in
*any* field. Similarly, adding new references is well thought out and the
information that can be stored (e.g. library call number) is more
comprehensive than others.
Here's the way I use EndNote with LaTeX: I provide a label for each
reference I enter in EndNote (in the "label" field). Long ago I output my
EndNote database into a .bib file named "masterbib.bib". As I'm typing my
document, I keep EndNotes open to find references and track sources. In
my LaTeX document, I just type the typical \cite{label} wherever I need
to cite a source. When I'm close to a finished draft, I select the
"bibtex export" style in EndNote and sort the database by record number:
this puts all the new references at the bottom of the list. I then
highlight the new references I've added, press cmd-K, and then paste
these at the end of the "masterbib.bib" document. Now my LaTeX document
just refers to masterbib.bib for its reference info and I don't have to
worry about using EndNote to try to format anything. (I do have to open
up masterbib.bib and indicate any special marks/formatting (e.g. diacrits
in names, etc.), but I only have to do this once for each entry.) This
has worked well for me and, like I mentioned, I can't get used to the
interaction patterns in other bib packages.
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