[OS X TeX] What happens to Myfile.aux?
Nicola Cabibbo
nicola.cabibbo at roma1.infn.it
Wed Jul 10 15:19:32 CEST 2002
I have met with a funny bug while working on a set
of lecture-notes with a lot of equations, sections,
subsections and what not. Out of laziness I had not
sectioned the test in separate files. It turned out
that this was the correct solution, but still...
The problem is that if I make one of the standard errors,
such as a missing $ or unpaired }, after correcting for the
error another error emerges, this time originatig
>from "Myfile.aux" which I find has been snipped at exactly
4096 (exactly 4K) bytes. I could only proceed by trashing
the .aux file.
4096 smells of buffer-lenght. Some program in the chain,
under an error condition, forgets to write down the .aux,
or doing it completely.
The chain is Tex-Shop 1.19 and yesterday's Gerben Wierda's
distribution (or one downloaded in april).
It looks like a bug, or may be like some parameter
set too low. I tried fathoming texmf.cnf, but to no avail.
As noted above, the problem can be circumvented by sectioning
with the \include{... } command.
Thanks to all,
Nicola Cabibbo
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