[OS X TeX] Using C-c C-c in mac-emacs
ccr-mactex at creutzig.de
ccr-mactex at creutzig.de
Tue Jul 9 11:14:44 CEST 2002
Enrico Franconi <franconi at cs.man.ac.uk> writes:
> You have a problem with the path variable in emacs.
> In few cases the only thing that worked was to add the binary
> paths in /usr/share/init/tcsh/rc .
As a side note: Setting environment variables for all programs gets
really easy once you install RCEnvironment from
www.rubicode.com/Software/RCEnvironment/ -- just note that you have
to set PATH completely, including the default things like /bin etc.
Just call 'echo $PATH' in a shell where everything works and copy
|+-|+ Christopher Creutzig (ccr at mupad.de)
+--+ Tel.: 05251-60-5525
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