[OS X TeX] rtf2latex2e
Gerben Wierda
Sherlock at rna.nl
Tue Jul 2 09:56:58 CEST 2002
On Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at 08:34 , jeanclaudedesoza at mac.com wrote:
> The installation works fine for me.
> No need to change anything.
> .........
> ./configure
> make
> sudo make install
> and include in ~/.cshrc : setenv RTF2LATEX2E_DIR /usr/bin/rtf2latex2e
> The different tests passed fine for me and are very impressive.
I downloaded from sourceforge. When I tried to download the c2 version
(with Mac OS X changes) I got the c1 one. Changes are minimal though
Two more remarks in this thread, before I announce the release of the
1. It does seem to me that the RTF2LATEX2E environment variable is
unnecessary. I have looked at the sources and it is never used. It also
seems that rtf2latex2e works fine without it.
2. I have decided to install in /usr/local/bin and not in /usr/bin as
Apple will leave /usr/local alone during a system upgrade.
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