[Mac OS X TeX] BBEdit 6.5 & OzTeX 5.0b7

Michael Goldweber mikeyg at cerebro.cs.xu.edu
Thu Jan 24 20:39:28 CET 2002

>thanks, that did it! I don't know why, but it works. Unfortunately, 
>this didn't, at the same time, solve the problem with the OzTeX 
>plug-in (I hoped so). Any ideas? Is there something equivalent 
>available for Pepper?

If by equivalent, you mean a way to invoke OzTeX from Pepper on the 
current file, there is.  I believe that it was posted to this list a 
while back.

Put the following two lines in a file.  Call the file whatever you 
wish (e.g. OzTeX).  Place this file in the Extensions folder which is 
in the same directory as the Pepper application.  Relaunch Pepper. 
(The lines below make assumptions regarding the location of the OzTeX 
application; edit accordingly.

open -a "/Applications/OzTeX/OzTeX" $PEPPER_CURRENT_FILE

Pepr is the code to use in the OzTeX local config file to specify 
Pepper as your editor.  (Same arcane rules apply - set it from OS 9 
for the change to work.)

To summarize:
	Works well with OzTeX, has a nice TeX mode (via the 
accelerator), but does not play well with Excalibur (or any other 
spell checker).  The above may also work for CMacTex, though I have 
not tried it.  (The above Pepper extension support does not work with 
Excalibur - I tried.)

	Works well with CMacTex, does not have a TeX mode (the 
glossary feature does not match Alpha's nor Pepper's support), but 
plays well with Excalibur.  No working plug-in support for OzTeX.

	Under OS 9: Works well with OzTeX, CMacTex, and Excalibur. 
Has a good TeX mode.  None of its variants work under OS X. 
(Hopefully AlphaTK will, as soon as the aquaTK package matures.)

Non TeX question:  Does Eudora support the use of an external editor? 
(Alpha "supports" Eudora, which is a different perspective.)



Michael Goldweber			Associate Professor of Computer Science
Xavier University			Dept. of Math and Computer Science
email: mikeyg at cs.xu.edu		3800 Victory Parkway
phone: (513) 745-3936        		Cincinnati OH 45207-4441
fax: (513) 745-3272

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