MacOSX-TeX Digest #235 - 02/12/02

TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List MacOSX-TeX at
Wed Feb 13 02:00:01 CET 2002

MacOSX-TeX Digest #235 - Tuesday, February 12, 2002

  Re: MacOSX-TeX Digest #233 - 02/10/02
          by "Johann Beda" <j-beda at>
  teTeX via fink
          by "David R. Morrison" <drm at>
  The new TeX package
          by "Adrian Heathcote" <adrian.heathcote at>
  Latest Release of teTex?
          by "Zachary Davis" <zsd3711 at>
          by "Zachary Davis" <zsd3711 at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] ACocoaSpell
          by "Michael Murray" <mmurray at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] CocoAspell
          by "Zachary Davis" <zsd3711 at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] The new TeX package
          by "Piet van Oostrum" <piet at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] The new TeX package
          by "Bruno Voisin" <Bruno.Voisin at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Latest Release of teTex?
          by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] teTeX via fink
          by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] The new TeX package
          by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
  iTeXMac viewer
          by "Berndt Farwer" <farwer at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] The new TeX package
          by "William Adams" <wadams at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] teTeX via fink
          by "David Wagner" <wagner at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] iTeXMac viewer
          by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] iTeXMac viewer
          by "Ullrich Steiner" <u.steiner at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] iTeXMac viewer
          by "Benji Fisher" <fisherbb at>
  [Mac OS X TeX] Notes from CocoAspell Author
          by "Richard Koch" <koch at>
  emacs 21.1 and teTex
          by "Thierry Ramond" <thierry.ramond at>
  What TeX? How TeX? [was: How many TeXs for OSX...]
          by "William Duckworth" <wmd at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Notes from CocoAspell Author
          by "Rick Zaccone" <zaccone at>
  Excalibur nsspellserver (was Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Notes from CocoAspell  Au
          by "William Adams" <wadams at>
  LyX was (Re: [Mac OS X TeX] What TeX? How TeX? [was: How many TeXs for  O
          by "William Adams" <wadams at>
  iTeXMac editor slow
          by "B. Farwer" <farwer at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] What TeX? How TeX? [was: How many TeXs for OSX...]
          by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] emacs 21.1 and teTex
          by "Benji Fisher" <fisherbb at>
  spelling services (OT)
          by <get86 at>
  OT: Problems with AcroRead
          by "Fredrik Wallenberg" <fwallenberg at>
  Re: [Mac OS X TeX] spelling services (OT)
          by "Michael Murray" <mmurray at>


Subject: Re: MacOSX-TeX Digest #233 - 02/10/02
From: "Johann Beda" <j-beda at>
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 20:25:17 -0500

	I am an idiot - I think that my system erroneously sent a
"vacation" response to the mailing list from one of my unused email
addresses that I was about to start using.  If it managed to get through,
please forgive my error.

	(After getting on a "high horse" to complain about others, I have
not missed the irony in my screwing up too...  I think that this list is
the only one that might have gotten the message...)

	Thanks for your patience...
* johann beda   <XNSName: =j-beda> <>   *


Subject: teTeX via fink
From: "David R. Morrison" <drm at>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 20:20:25 -0500

I'm currently the "maintainer" of teTeX at the fink project.  I certainly
agree with Gerben's remarks that those who want to keep up-to-date,
particularly with pdfTeX, should install his packages directly, since
we are not keeping up with them.  (As one of my colleagues on the fink
project remarked, keeping up with Gerben would be a full time job!)

What fink provides at the moment is an installation which (aside from
location) is equivalent to Gerben's release from last August.  To obtain
this, you simply install the fink package "bundle-tetex", currently in
fink's "unstable" section.  (Until recently, the package to install was
called "tetex" but this was confusing and is being phased out.)  This
will automatically install various other packages like tetex-texmf and

There are also a number of other TeX-related packages such as pdfscreen
and revtex, which Gerben added to his distribution in November and which
are also available via fink.  Most of these are also in the "unstable"
section.  (By the way, things at fink stay in "unstable" until a few
users tell the maintainer that they are OK.  That hasn't yet happened
with these fink packages.)

On the other hand, if you want to use Gerben's distribution of teTeX along
with fink, you simply install the fink package "system-tetex" which lets
fink know that Gerben's installation is there.  One slight awkwardness
is that there is not yet a similar "system-ghostscript", so you end up
installing ghostscript twice, but fortunately ghostcript is not very large.

With either method, you can go on to install dvipdfm, xdvi, latex2html,
or any other packages which are not available in Gerben's distribution,
and everything should work well together.

  -- Dave


Subject: The new TeX package
From: "Adrian Heathcote" <adrian.heathcote at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 13:18:47 +1100

Gerben and All--

The new TeX package seems to be  a real improvement: faster and with 
less in the log to indicate trouble. Thanks for all the effort!

Could I ask whether there are any other post script fonts that are 
loaded in this distribution (apart from CM, of course). I don't mean the 
Euler fontset---but Adobe Garamond, Palatino, etc. When the installer 
runs there are lists of fonts that look tantalisingly as if they might 
be accessible to TeX. If so---how does one access them?

Thanks in advance for your help

Adrian Heathcote


Subject: Latest Release of teTex?
From: "Zachary Davis" <zsd3711 at>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 20:19:53 -0600

Monday, 11 February 2002


After reading through some of these posts, I'm sort of lost with regards 
to the latest release of teTex.  The last time I updated teTex was with 
the release of TeXShop 1.15 from Richard's page at that time.  Is this 
still the most current release of teTeX, or has it since been updated?


Zachary S. Davis
Department of Aerospace Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
P.O. Box 19032
Arlington, TX 76019

Home:    (817) 272-6418            zsd3711 at
Office:    (817) 272-5269

          “Genius, that power that dazzles mortal eyes,
	  is oft but perseverance in disguise."

			--Henry Willard Austin


Subject: ACocoaSpell
From: "Zachary Davis" <zsd3711 at>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 20:36:53 -0600

Monday, 11 February 2002

I know this has already been mentioned, but I have just downloaded and 
installed ACocoaSpell for the first time.  In the Spelling preference 
pane I have selected to filter URLs and TeX, in addition to allow 
run-together words.  Upon opening TeXShop just typing \documentclass 
prompts a red line underneath.  I remember someone else having this same 
trouble with TeX commands in TeXShop.  Is there a solution to fix this 
as of yet?

Thanks Again,

Zachary S. Davis
Department of Aerospace Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
P.O. Box 19032
Arlington, TX 76019

Home:    (817) 272-6418            zsd3711 at
Office:    (817) 272-5269

          “Genius, that power that dazzles mortal eyes,
	  is oft but perseverance in disguise."

			--Henry Willard Austin


Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] ACocoaSpell
From: "Michael Murray" <mmurray at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 13:19:12 +1030

>Monday, 11 February 2002
>I know this has already been mentioned, but I have just downloaded 
>and installed ACocoaSpell for the first time.  In the Spelling 
>preference pane I have selected to filter URLs and TeX, in addition 
>to allow run-together words.  Upon opening TeXShop just typing 
>\documentclass prompts a red line underneath.  I remember someone 
>else having this same trouble with TeX commands in TeXShop.  Is 
>there a solution to fix this as of yet?
>Thanks Again,

Hi Zachary

I found that if I turned off the check on typing and
made sure that in TeXShop I had set Edit > Spelling to the
correct dictionary I could spellcheck a selection OK.
The dictionary in Edit > Spelling seems to reset to the
Apple one every time I restart TeXShop.

I don't have URL only TEX.

Assoc/Prof Michael Murray                                                   
Department of Pure Mathematics       Fax: 61+ 8 8303 
University of Adelaide             Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174       
Australia  5005      Email: mmurray at             
Home Page:
PGP public key:



Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] CocoAspell
From: "Zachary Davis" <zsd3711 at>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 21:53:36 -0600

Monday, 11 February 2002


Thanks, for the tip.  I found that just changing the library in TeXShop 
worked just fine.  There are a few TeX tags such as \headsep that aren't 
recognized, but overall cocoAspell seems to work as advertised.  
Perhaps, Richard will be able to fix the dictionary default problem in a 
future release.


On Monday, February 11, 2002, at 08:49 PM, Michael Murray wrote:

>> Monday, 11 February 2002
>> I know this has already been mentioned, but I have just downloaded and 
>> installed ACocoaSpell for the first time.  In the Spelling preference 
>> pane I have selected to filter URLs and TeX, in addition to allow 
>> run-together words.  Upon opening TeXShop just typing \documentclass 
>> prompts a red line underneath.  I remember someone else having this 
>> same trouble with TeX commands in TeXShop.  Is there a solution to fix 
>> this as of yet?
>> Thanks Again,
> Hi Zachary
> I found that if I turned off the check on typing and
> made sure that in TeXShop I had set Edit > Spelling to the
> correct dictionary I could spellcheck a selection OK.
> The dictionary in Edit > Spelling seems to reset to the
> Apple one every time I restart TeXShop.
> I don't have URL only TEX.
> Michael
> -- _________________________________________________________
> Assoc/Prof Michael 
> Murray                                                   Department of 
> Pure Mathematics       Fax: 61+ 8 8303 
> 3696                                      University of 
> Adelaide             Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174       Australia  5005      
> Email: mmurray at             Home Page: 
> PGP public key:
> _________________________________________________________
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> This list is not moderated, and I am not responsible for
> messages posted by third parties.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Zachary S. Davis
Department of Aerospace Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
P.O. Box 19032
Arlington, TX 76019

Home:    (817) 272-6418            zsd3711 at
Office:    (817) 272-5269

          “Genius, that power that dazzles mortal eyes,
	  is oft but perseverance in disguise."

			--Henry Willard Austin


Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] The new TeX package
From: "Piet van Oostrum" <piet at>
Date: 12 Feb 2002 10:04:28 +0100

>>>>> Adrian Heathcote <adrian.heathcote at> (AH) writes:

AH> Gerben and All--
AH> The new TeX package seems to be  a real improvement: faster and with less
AH> in the log to indicate trouble. Thanks for all the effort!

AH> Could I ask whether there are any other post script fonts that are loaded
AH> in this distribution (apart from CM, of course). I don't mean the Euler
AH> fontset---but Adobe Garamond, Palatino, etc. When the installer runs there
AH> are lists of fonts that look tantalisingly as if they might be accessible
AH> to TeX. If so---how does one access them?

I would also like to make a plea for the inclusion of the CM-Super font
set. It contains (amongst others) Type 1 fonts for the EC and TC fonts,
which are highle needed in MacOSX where PDF is the preferred output format. 
At least in most european languages. It also contains Type 1 fonts for

If it is not decided to put this in the main TeXlive distribution it could
go in the macosx tree.

I am prepared to try this out first on my own computer.
Piet van Oostrum <piet at>
Private email: P.van.Oostrum at


Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] The new TeX package
From: "Bruno Voisin" <Bruno.Voisin at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 10:29:42 +0100

Piet van Oostrum wrote:
> I would also like to make a plea for the inclusion of the CM-Super font
> set. It contains (amongst others) Type 1 fonts for the EC and TC fonts,
> which are highle needed in MacOSX where PDF is the preferred output format. 
> At least in most european languages. It also contains Type 1 fonts for
> Cyrillic. 
> If it is not decided to put this in the main TeXlive distribution it could
> go in the macosx tree.
> I am prepared to try this out first on my own computer.

I have installed them (with TeXShop/teTeX) and used them for some months 
now, they look fine. I am using them everytime I need French hyphenation 
and thus require T1 encoding.

On the other hand I did not manage to access the Cyrillic part of the 
fonts. The Cyrillic scripts are supposed to be there somewhere in 
cm-super fonts, and there are map files telling pdfTeX or dvips to 
replace LaTeX's default Cyrillic fonts by cm-super fonts. However it 
just didn't work for me, I wanted to include Cyrillic words (paper title 
and author name) in a straightforward French letter and couldn't.

Bruno Voisin


Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Latest Release of teTex?
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 11:47:47 +0100

On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 03:19 , Zachary Davis wrote:

> After reading through some of these posts, I'm sort of lost with 
> regards to the latest release of teTex.  The last time I updated teTex 
> was with the release of TeXShop 1.15 from Richard's page at that time.  
> Is this still the most current release of teTeX, or has it since been 
> updated?

If you run 'pdftex --version' it should say:

	pdfTeX (Web2C 7.3.7) 3.14159-1.00b-pretest-20020204

The official release URL is


Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] teTeX via fink
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 11:46:07 +0100

On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 02:20 , David R. Morrison wrote:

> With either method, you can go on to install dvipdfm, xdvi, latex2html,
> or any other packages which are not available in Gerben's distribution,
> and everything should work well together.

Since moving to TeXLive for the default distribution, dvipdfm is there.

Anything with X11 isn't. If someone want''s anything that is not in the 
distribution as is, let me know and I'll have a look at it.



Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] The new TeX package
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 11:48:51 +0100

On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 10:04 , Piet van Oostrum wrote:

> I would also like to make a plea for the inclusion of the CM-Super font
> set. It contains (amongst others) Type 1 fonts for the EC and TC fonts,
> which are highle needed in MacOSX where PDF is the preferred output 
> format.
> At least in most european languages. It also contains Type 1 fonts for
> Cyrillic.
> If it is not decided to put this in the main TeXlive distribution it 
> could
> go in the macosx tree.
> I am prepared to try this out first on my own computer.

Just tell me where to get it and I'll have a look at it.



Subject: iTeXMac viewer
From: "Berndt Farwer" <farwer at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 12:40:09 +0100

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;

After installing the latest teTeX package iTeXMac no longer uses the 
built-in viewer. It always launches Acrobat, which I do not want! Is 
there any way to re-activate the built-in viewer? The menu item does not 
seem to work ...

(farwer at

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/enriched;

After installing the latest teTeX package iTeXMac no longer uses the
built-in viewer. It always launches Acrobat, which I do not want! Is
there any way to re-activate the built-in viewer? The menu item does
not seem to work ...


(farwer at</fontfamily>


Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] The new TeX package
From: "William Adams" <wadams at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 09:22:45 -0500

Piet said:
>> I would also like to make a plea for the inclusion of the CM-Super
>> set. It contains (amongst others) Type 1 fonts for the EC and TC
>> which are highle needed in MacOSX where PDF is the preferred output
>> format.
>> At least in most european languages. It also contains Type 1 fonts
>> Cyrillic.

and Gerben replied:
>Just tell me where to get it and I'll have a look at it.

Here's the initial announcement of the CM-Super fonts made to the
TeX-Fonts mailing list. It's been up-dated a couple of times since this,
and is a very laudable work (though I'd be more interested in getting
the QuickDraw/GX like version of Computer Modern which was done for
TeX/GX up and running---this'd get us access to HoeflerText,
AppleChancery, Skia and Zapfino)

I think the fonts below have gotten to CTAN.

The CM-Super package could be freely downloaded from
(see below for details).

This is the first public release of these fonts, so we welcome
comments and bug reports.



                     CM-Super font package
                     version 0.1 (September 18, 2001)

Copyright (c) 2001 Vladimir Volovich <vvv at>.
See the file PUBLIC (Aladdin Free Public License) for license
As a special exception, permission is granted to include these font
programs in a Postscript or PDF file that consists of a document that
contains text to be displayed or printed using these fonts, regardless
of the conditions or license applying to the document itself.

The CM-super package contains type1 fonts converted from METAFONT
fonts and covers entire EC/TC and LH fonts (Computer Modern font
families). All european and cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type1
font program contains ALL glyphs from the following encodings: T1,
TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe StandardEncoding (582 glyphs
per non-SC font and 465 glyphs per SC font), and could be reencoded to
any of these encodings using standard dvips or pdftex facilities (the
corresponding support files are also included).

I.e., these type1 fonts could be used as an immediate replacement for
LaTeX's EC, TC, and LH fonts to create Postscript and PDF documents
with vector fonts (i.e. no changes to your LaTeX documents are
required to use these fonts once you have them installed). You could
also prepare EPS or PDF illustrations in your favorite applications
with texts written using these fonts, and then include them in your
LaTeX documents. These fonts could be used not only in TeX-related
applications, but also as all other Type1 text fonts, e.g. in Windows
(and you will be able to typeset multilingual texts using them).

Font file names correspond to the scheme used in EC fonts, with the
first two letters "sf" ("super font") instead of "ec".

E.g., sfrm1000.pfb contains all glyphs from:
ecrm1000, tcrm1000, larm1000, lbrm1000, lcrm1000, rxrm1000.

Fonts were created with using textrace (based on autotrace and
Ghostscript), t1utils and a bunch of Perl scripts, and were optimized
and hinted using FontLab 3.1 provided by FontLab Ltd. The set of
UniqueID values was registered at Adobe.

It appears that careless approach to FontLab's optimisation and
auto-hinting facilities could lead to loss of quality of the original
font (some glyph shapes could be broken), so we used the most precise
optimisation, and hope that optimised and hinted fonts are indeed
better than original traced fonts (also, they are significantly
smaller in size). So far, we did not find any bugs in optimized fonts.

Note that a small number of (fortunately, rately used) fonts are not
included yet because of the bugs in EC font drivers which prevented
their generation. We plan to provide these missing fonts soon.
(Currently there are 376 Type1 font files here, of total 401.)

The CM-Super package could be freely downloaded from
(and soon from CTAN)
(see also for a list of mirrors)
The size of the entire package is about 54Mb.

To install this package in teTeX or TeX Live systems, copy all type1
fonts (*.pfb files) to .../texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm-super/
directory and install the MAP (*.map) and ENC (*.enc) files to their
usual place (e.g. under .../texms/dvips/cm-super/), and instruct dvips
and pdftex to use these MAP files (e.g. using the "updmap" script).
Do not forget to update the texmf filename database (run mktexlsr).

Although this package is provided AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY (as
explained in the file PUBLIC), we request your comments and bug
reports which should be sent to the email address given above.

Happy TeXing!


* provide AFM and INF files
* provide optimized but not hinted version (will be smaller)?
* include glyphs from TS1 encoding into SC fonts? (useful for non-TeX
* add glyphs from T2D encoding
* add all other glyphs from LH fonts
* full support for unicode cyrillic codepage
* include glyphs from cbgreek ec-like fonts
* add CM Concrete family


Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] teTeX via fink
From: "David Wagner" <wagner at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 07:44:39 -0600 (CST)

I would like to see a fink package that supplies the X11 apps (like xdvi) 
that are not in Gerben's teTeX.  I would really like to see an 
implementation of the linux version of xdvi, which provides a column of 
page numbers on the right side of the xdvi window.

David Wagner
"Being unable to cure death, wretchedness and ignorance,
men have decided, in order to be happy, not to think
about such things."
--Blaise Pascal


Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] iTeXMac viewer
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 16:51:39 +0100

On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 12:40 , Berndt Farwer wrote:

> After installing the latest teTeX package iTeXMac no longer uses the 
> built-in viewer. It always launches Acrobat, which I do not want! Is 
> there any way to re-activate the built-in viewer? The menu item does 
> not seem to work ...

It is *very* unlikely that this behaviour has anything to do with 
installing the TeX package. I am no iTeXMac user (I had problems, so I 
am waiting for a next release) but I would try removing the preferences 
with a problem like this.



Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] iTeXMac viewer
From: "Ullrich Steiner" <u.steiner at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 17:24:23 +0100

On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 04:51 , Gerben Wierda wrote:

> On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 12:40 , Berndt Farwer wrote:
>> After installing the latest teTeX package iTeXMac no longer uses the 
>> built-in viewer. It always launches Acrobat, which I do not want! Is 
>> there any way to re-activate the built-in viewer? The menu item does 
>> not seem to work ...
> It is *very* unlikely that this behaviour has anything to do with 
> installing the TeX package. I am no iTeXMac user (I had problems, so I 
> am waiting for a next release) but I would try removing the preferences 
> with a problem like this.
> G

I am using iTexMac together with the latest version of the TeX package. 
I don't have this problem - everything goes fine (except that compiling 
now is faster with fewer messages as was written by others).

Try erasing the file comp.text.tex.iTeXMac.plist in 
~/Library/Preferences.  Presumably, the setting which viewer to use is 
saved there.



Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] iTeXMac viewer
From: "Benji Fisher" <fisherbb at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 11:48:41 -0500

On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 11:24 AM, Ullrich Steiner wrote:

> On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 04:51 , Gerben Wierda wrote:
>> On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 12:40 , Berndt Farwer wrote:
>>> After installing the latest teTeX package iTeXMac no longer uses the 
>>> built-in viewer. It always launches Acrobat, which I do not want! Is 
>>> there any way to re-activate the built-in viewer? The menu item does 
>>> not seem to work ...
>> It is *very* unlikely that this behaviour has anything to do with 
>> installing the TeX package. I am no iTeXMac user (I had problems, so I 
>> am waiting for a next release) but I would try removing the 
>> preferences with a problem like this.
>> G
> I am using iTexMac together with the latest version of the TeX package. 
> I don't have this problem - everything goes fine (except that compiling 
> now is faster with fewer messages as was written by others).
> Try erasing the file comp.text.tex.iTeXMac.plist in 
> ~/Library/Preferences.  Presumably, the setting which viewer to use is 
> saved there.
> Ulli

      I had the same problem, and this solution works for me.

						--Benji Fisher


Subject: [Mac OS X TeX] Notes from CocoAspell Author
From: "Richard Koch" <koch at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 09:41:11 -0800


I wrote the author of cocoAspell, Anton Leuski. His spell checker
is based on Aspell, a Unix spell checker by Kevin Atkinson.
Leuski told me he does not read the Mac OS X TeX mailing list.

He then wrote:

"I am aware of some problems with cocoAspell. There seems to be a
mysterious incompatibility with cocoAspell and German. I'm trying to
track this down."

"Aspell does not know about a lot of LaTeX commands. I'm working
on this problem. There will be an interface for extending the TeX command
list in the next version."

I told Leuski that sometimes when I choose "Spelling" to bring up the 
spelling panel
and then ask it to "Find Next," nothing happens even if there are
misspelled words. He wrote

"This may happen. The original Aspell was designed to check whole
documents at a time. Apple's spelling services are interactive."

Leuski has added a FAQ to his web page with interesting information. Note
that cocoAspell is a work in progress.

TeXShop has no special code for cocoAspell. The spelling panel is the
standard Cocoa panel, which automatically detects the presence of 
spelling services and allows users to choose another one. There is no
special support code in TeXShop for that behavior.

Some users report that TeXShop reverts back to the Apple spell checker
after quitting. I cannot reproduce that behavior or explain it. On my 
machine, when
cocoAspell is chosen it becomes the default spell checker in ALL cocoa
applications. Reverting back to Apple's checker in another application
(like TextEdit) reverts back in TeXShop. Maybe I haven't looked long 
but I see no Cocoa API to pick a particular spelling service.

I'll move Excalibur up on my web page to equal billing with cocoAspell. 
Is there a chance
that Rick Zaccone could convert it to a NSSpellServer?

Dick Koch
koch at


Subject: emacs 21.1 and teTex
From: "Thierry Ramond" <thierry.ramond at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 18:45:21 +0100

Hi folks.

I have tried today to walk on the Unix side: I have found Emacs 21.1 on 
the web and it seems to work nicely on my IbookFW+OsX.1.2. But when I 
wanted to compile my Tex file, I obtained a

[localhost:~/Documents/Encours/CaRa] thierry% latex \\nonstopmode\\input 
latex: Command not found.

or  a

[localhost:~/Documents/Encours/CaRa] thierry% altpdflatex 
\\nonstopmode\\input MagnSch.tex
altpdflatex: Command not found.

Notice that I have managed to change the default shell setting from zsh 
to tcsh, and that I was also able to change the Latex Run command.(Am I 
a Unix geek?)

Anyway I didn't succeed. Help!

Many Thanks, in particular to G.W., R.K, J.L, M.M.

P.S. I have had problems too with cocoaspell. At this moment, I don't 
have any spelling checker at all: I may have removed too many things... 
I want my OS 9 back!


Subject: What TeX? How TeX? [was: How many TeXs for OSX...]
From: "William Duckworth" <wmd at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 12:56:40 -0600

Michael Murray posted a list he compiled of possible ways to 
implement TeX on OSX. It included:

(1) teTeX + Acrobat reader or OS X Preview.
(2) X-Windows TeX.  You can set up a typical UNIX TeX install by 
getting XWindows
(3) OzTeX
(4) TeXShop
(5) iMacTeX
(6) TeXPalette
(7) CMacTeX
(8) TeXTools for OS X
(9) Scientific Assistant
(10) Textures for MacOS X is not here yet but is supposed to be 
coming. Has its own editor.

He included some comments about which use teTeX, which can use teTeX, 
which don't, etc...This was helpful.

For the record, I use OzTeX(Carbon)+Alpha(Classic).

I've been a casual "listener" to this list since it started. I 
understand that OSX is in flux as are various ports from unix to OSX 
as well as Carbon ports of old Mac favorites. With the possible 
exceptions of (9) and (10) (we will have to wait and see), I believe 
all of the above can be based off of one teTeX distribution 
(Gerben's). (Right?)

Is it possible (and would someone like to document how) to install 
Gerben's teTeX distribution (so that one can tex, dvips, ps2pdf, 
pdflatex, pdftex from the Terminal command line---as a bare minimum 
TeX installation---I believe this is option (1) above) and 
install/configure/use options (2)-(8) with the Gerben-base-teTeX 
installation in a way that allows easy customization (add my .sty, 
.bib, etc) that doesn't get clobbered when one upgrades Gerben's 
stuff and/or one of the packages (2)-(8) (since them are upgraded so 
frequently)?? And can this be done to be compatible with fink 
installations of unix software also?

Maybe it is clear to some how to do this. Maybe some have such a 
setup working. I know some (at least one!) are somewhat overwhelmed 
with all the ins and outs of where stuff should be (fonts, sty files, 
etc) and how to get Package (x) working with teTeX without breaking 
them both, etc.....

The reason I chose OzTeX way back when, was I didn't wan't to have 
the usual unix-TeX-related headaches and Andrew does an incredible 
job handling all the uglies for me. But now, with a command line just 
a click away, I'm interested in integrating my favorite TeX app with 
existing tools.

Dr. William Duckworth II       email: wmd at
326 Snedecor Hall              phone: 515-294-7766
Iowa State University          fax:   515-294-4040
Statistical Laboratory and     Spring 2002 office hours:
Department of Statistics         M 9a, W 3p, R 8:30a, F 1p
Ames, IA  50011-1210 


Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Notes from CocoAspell Author
From: "Rick Zaccone" <zaccone at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 14:11:18 -0500 (EST)

>I'll move Excalibur up on my web page to equal billing with
>cocoAspell.  Is there a chance that Rick Zaccone could convert it to
>a NSSpellServer?

I would like to do this, but I don't know what's involved.  Is it a
lot of work?



Subject: Excalibur nsspellserver (was Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Notes from CocoAspell  Author)
From: "William Adams" <wadams at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 14:18:48 -0500

Richard Koch said:
>>I'll move Excalibur up on my web page to equal billing with
>>cocoAspell.  Is there a chance that Rick Zaccone could convert it to
>>a NSSpellServer?

And Rick replied:
>I would like to do this, but I don't know what's involved.  Is it a
>lot of work?

Re-write it in Cocoa?!?

Unfortunately, ``nsspellserver carbon'' returns no hits from Google, and
the hits returned by ``nsspellserver cocoa'' are not promising.

Belike the most immediately useful / productive thing would perhaps be
getting Excalibur's dictionaries into something like ObjectFarmSpell?

Alternately, we can wait / hope that Apple will continue to work to make
Carbon and Cocoa coeval, and in so doing, have traditional Mac word
services become available via the nsspellserver (and vice versa!).
Ideally they'd do the same thing with Services / Contextual Menu Items.


William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.


Subject: LyX was (Re: [Mac OS X TeX] What TeX? How TeX? [was: How many TeXs for  OSX...])
From: "William Adams" <wadams at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 14:21:26 -0500

William Duckworth said:
>(2) X-Windows TeX.  You can set up a typical UNIX TeX install by
>getting XWindows

There should perhaps be a (2)a after that for ``LyX'', which
is available via ``fink install lyx''

(who thinks that LyX is one of the most interesting / promising
opensource projects going)
William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.


Subject: iTeXMac editor slow
From: "B. Farwer" <farwer at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 20:45:01 +0100

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;

Thanks everybody for the help on getting the built-in viewer of iTeXMac 
to work (deleting the preference file did the trick).

Now, I have another problem that I last saw in an early version of 
TeXShop-beta: Typing text (and also deleting characters) in the built-in 
editor of iTeXMac is soooo slow. When typing fast it sometimes takes 
several seconds before the corresponding characters appear on the 
screen. This happens both on my Pismo/400 and on my iceBook/500.

Any idea what might cause this? Does anybody else see this behaviour?

(farwer at

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/enriched;

Thanks everybody for the help on getting the built-in viewer of
iTeXMac to work (deleting the preference file did the trick).

Now, I have another problem that I last saw in an early version of
TeXShop-beta: Typing text (and also deleting characters) in the
built-in editor of iTeXMac is soooo slow. When typing fast it
sometimes takes several seconds before the corresponding characters
appear on the screen. This happens both on my Pismo/400 and on my

Any idea what might cause this? Does anybody else see this behaviour?



(farwer at</fontfamily>


Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] What TeX? How TeX? [was: How many TeXs for OSX...]
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 21:18:57 +0100

On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 07:56 , William Duckworth wrote:

> Is it possible (and would someone like to document how) to install 
> Gerben's teTeX distribution (so that one can tex, dvips, ps2pdf, 
> pdflatex, pdftex from the Terminal command line---as a bare minimum TeX 
> installation---I believe this is option (1) above)

Umm, download my distribution and click the 'Install' buttons of my 

> and install/configure/use options (2)-(8) with the Gerben-base-teTeX 
> installation in a way that allows easy customization (add my .sty, 
> .bib, etc) that doesn't get clobbered when one upgrades Gerben's stuff 
> and/or one of the packages (2)-(8) (since them are upgraded so 
> frequently)??

Umm, read the README's from my distribution including the one that shows 
up in the installer window at startup? (The answer is, for system wide 
use (all users) use /Library/teTeX/share/texmf.local and for personal 
use, ~/Library/texmf). I leave those alone when installing. Follow the 
tree structure in /Library/teTeX/share/texmf as a template or read 

> And can this be done to be compatible with fink installations of unix 
> software also?

I think this is the fink system-tetex install.



Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] emacs 21.1 and teTex
From: "Benji Fisher" <fisherbb at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 15:45:21 -0500

On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 12:45 PM, Thierry Ramond wrote:

> Hi folks.
> I have tried today to walk on the Unix side: I have found Emacs 21.1 on 
> the web and it seems to work nicely on my IbookFW+OsX.1.2. But when I 
> wanted to compile my Tex file, I obtained a
> [localhost:~/Documents/Encours/CaRa] thierry% latex 
> \\nonstopmode\\input MagnSch.tex
> latex: Command not found.

      Was the above copied from a Terminal shell, or some sort of shell 
inside emacs?

Terminal shell:  How did you get and install teTeX?

emacs shell:  Assuming that latex runs properly from a Terminal shell, 
the problem is probably that you have to tell the emacs shells the 
correct value of the PATH environment variable.

<plug>Try Vim (Vi IMproved) instead, with my tex_menu.vim plugin:

HTH					--Benji Fisher


Subject: spelling services (OT)
From: <get86 at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 16:03:46 -0500

Sorry to bother with this here,

I recently installed cocoAspell when I was putting together a system for a
professor here.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work very well and he wants his "regular" spell
checker back, i.e., whatever was checking spelling in (and other
apps) is no longer doing so.

I guess this is more of a OS X question, as I am not familiar with the OS X
spell checking functions.

I wonder would someone tell me how to "get all back" to where it "was"?

Thanks in Advance,
Ted Rogers 


Subject: OT: Problems with AcroRead
From: "Fredrik Wallenberg" <fwallenberg at>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 15:18:10 -0800

This is not a Tex issue, but I was hoping that maybe someone on this 
list could point me in the right direction. I recently started getting a 
VERY strange problem on both my computers. Now, I can no longer open a 
PDF file in Acroread by double-clicking on it IFF Acroread (5.0.5) is 
already open. I can still drag it onto the icon in the dock and it will 
open fine.

I have found that it is an issue for files of type "PDF Document" but 
not for a "Adobe PDF Document".

The only PDF related even that has happened to me recently is the 
installation of the latest versions of TeteX, TexShop and iTexMac, but 
I'm not sure why that would make any difference.

Thanks for any help you might be able to come up with,



Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] spelling services (OT)
From: "Michael Murray" <mmurray at>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:05:31 +1030

>Sorry to bother with this here,
>I recently installed cocoAspell when I was putting together a system for a
>professor here.
>Unfortunately, it doesn't work very well and he wants his "regular" spell
>checker back, i.e., whatever was checking spelling in (and other
>apps) is no longer doing so.
>I guess this is more of a OS X question, as I am not familiar with the OS X
>spell checking functions.
>I wonder would someone tell me how to "get all back" to where it "was"?
>Thanks in Advance,
>Ted Rogers
Hi Ted

I think you go into and open something like a new message.
Then go to the Edit menu and select Spelling. Then Spelling again
and select the dictionary you want which is English (Apple).
This should reset it for all Cocoa applications.

Assoc/Prof Michael Murray                                                   
Department of Pure Mathematics       Fax: 61+ 8 8303 
University of Adelaide             Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174       
Australia  5005      Email: mmurray at             
Home Page:
PGP public key:


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