[Mac OS X TeX] pdf presentations
Mark Moll
mmoll at cs.cmu.edu
Tue Feb 5 18:04:41 CET 2002
>>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 17:42:11 +0100, Guido Mocken (GM) wrote:
GM> Speaking of presentations: I'm still looking for a way to ...
GM> - include quicktime movies in presentations created by LaTeX/prosper (not
GM> pdfTeX)
Put these two movie macros in the preamble of your document:
\define at key{PDF}{Movie}{\pdf at addtoks{#1}{Movie}}
\define at key{PDF}{Activation}{\pdf at addtoks{#1}{Activation}}
\newcommand{\moviewithpreview}[3]{% args: width, preview, movie
pdfmark=/ANN,Subtype=/Movie,Movie=<< /F (#3) >>,%
Activation=<< /ShowControls true /Mode /Repeat >>}}
\newcommand{\movie}[3]{% args: width, height, movie
\pdfmark[{\hbox to #1 {\vbox to #2 { }}}]{%
pdfmark=/ANN,Subtype=/Movie,Movie=<< /F (#3) /Poster true >>,%
Activation=<< /ShowControls true /Mode /Repeat >>}}
The Activation part seems to be ignored by Acrobat 5, but hopefully that'll
be fixed in a future version.
Mark Moll
e-mail: MarkMoll at MarkMoll.net | Carnegie Mellon University
phone: (412) 268 7123 | Dept. of Computer Science
URL: http://MarkMoll.net | 5000 Forbes Avenue
PGP: http://MarkMoll.net/pubkey | Pittsburgh, PA 15213
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