[OS X TeX] Mac OS X 10.2 and my TeX installers

Ullrich Steiner u.steiner at chem.rug.nl
Fri Aug 16 14:53:00 CEST 2002

On Friday, Aug 16, 2002, at 14:03 Europe/Amsterdam, Joseph Slater wrote:

> Your link didn't take me anywhere, and a search on 
> '/usr/share/tcsh/examples/README' came up empty. Can you post your 
> solution to OS X TeX?
> Thanks,
> Joe
> PS. Jerome is gone for a month, so this is going to become a common 
> issue for people in the next few weeks.
> On Friday, August 16, 2002, at 03:34  AM, Ullrich Steiner wrote:

Here is the contents of the readme file that is supposed to be at 

This directory contains some useful tcsh files.

In order to use this configuration:

	echo "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/rc"     > ~/.tcshrc
	echo "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/login"  > ~/.login
	echo "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/logout" > ~/.logout

To do this system-wide, do the same instead to /etc/csh.cshrc, 
/etc/csh.login, and /etc/csh.logout.

In order to customize tcsh:

	mkdir ~/Library/init/tcsh

and create the following files there as necessary:

	aliases.mine		- shell aliases
	completions.mine	- completions
	environment.mine	- environment
	rc.mine			- run commands
	path			- command search path

See the corresponding file in /usr/share/init/tcsh for more information 
about the role of each file. You can easily extend or override the 
configuration provided by the default file. For example, you can add 
more aliases by adding the appropriate commands in aliases.mine.

	 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
	 tritan at mit.edu

In the Terminal, I did the three "echo" commands.  This created the 
three files ".tcshrc", ".login" and ".logout" in my home directory, 
each containing the line given in the echo command.

This did the job for me and in addition restored the defaults aliases 
that I got accustomed to in Os X 10.15.

Hope this helps.

- Ulli

> I found the solution to the problem at
> http://forums.macnn.com/showthread....threadid=117551
> Have a look at this file:
> /usr/share/tcsh/examples/README
> This fixed it for me - almost.  I still get an error message:
> TERM_PROGRAM: Undefined variable.
> but this doesn't seem to interfere wit the typesetting.
> - Ulli
> On Friday, Aug 16, 2002, at 09:11 Europe/Amsterdam, Gerben Wierda 
> wrote:
> On Friday, August 16, 2002, at 08:51 , Ullrich Steiner wrote:
> Is it possible to reset the PATH to the way it was in 10.1.5 and if 
> yes, how?
> Not easily. And when iTeXMac uses tcsh even less likely (large chunks 
> of the tcsh setup have been removed).
> G
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> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
> Ullrich Steiner
> Department of Polymer Chemistry
> University of Groningen
> Nijenborgh 4
> NL-9747AG Groningen
> The Netherlands
> Tel:    +31-50-363-7888
> Fax:    +31-50-363-4400
> e-mail: mailto:u.steiner at chem.rug.nl
> www:    http://www.chem.rug.nl/steiner
> --------------------------------------
> \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
> Joseph C. Slater
> (+1) 937-775-5085
> http://www.cs.wright.edu/~jslater

Ullrich Steiner
Department of Polymer Chemistry
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
NL-9747AG Groningen
The Netherlands

Tel:    +31-50-363-7888
Fax:    +31-50-363-4400
e-mail: mailto:u.steiner at chem.rug.nl
www:    http://www.chem.rug.nl/steiner
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