[Mac OS X TeX] BibTeX can't find .bst & .bib files
Gary L. Gray
gray at engr.psu.edu
Tue Sep 25 05:21:19 CEST 2001
<x-flowed>I have been running TeXShop for some time and needed to use BibTeX
for the first time today. I have created the following directory
structure for making .bib and .bst files available to TeXShop/BibTeX:
and BibTeX can't see files I put in these locations. A colleague has
his machine set up identically and BibTeX see .bib and .bst files put
in those locations. What am I missing here? I have run texhash hoping
that doing so would help, but it hasn't made a bit of difference.
By the way, the directory tree for LaTeX files:
works perfectly.
Any thoughts?
Best regards,
Gary L. Gray
Associate Professor
Engineering Science & Mechanics
Penn State University
(814) 863-1778
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