[Mac OS X TeX] Re: True Type Fonts

Daniel A. Steffen steffen at ics.mq.edu.au
Mon Oct 15 00:49:28 CEST 2001

<x-flowed>At 19:58 +0200 on 13/10/01, Malte Harder wrote:

>On Saturday, October 13, 2001, at 05:08 PM, Jerry Stratton wrote:
>  > Does anyone know of an OS X program or Unix command line program that
>>  converts Mac TTF files to Windows TTF files?
>I think i could write one, because the difference between mac ttf and
>win ttf is only where the data is saved (on mac in the resourcefork, on
>win in the data fork)

OSX's font manager works fine with datafork ttf fonts as long as they 
have a .ttf extension.

to convert data fork to rsrc fork files, use /Developer/Tools/ResMerger :

ResMerger -srcIs DF -dstIs RSRC dataforkfile -o rsrcforkfile

(FWIW the OSX .dfont fonts are just OS9 font suitcases with their 
rsrc fork moved to the datafork, so using the above on e.g. 
LucidaGrande.dfont gives a standard OS9 font)


** Daniel A. Steffen          **  "And now to something completely
** Department of Mathematics  **   different"    Monty Python
** Macquarie University       ** <mailto:steffen at maths.mq.edu.au>
** NSW 2109 Australia         ** <http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/~steffen/>

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