[Mac OS X TeX] TeXShop & pdfscreen (Mac OS X 10.1)

Michael Murray mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Wed Oct 24 13:31:03 CEST 2001

<x-flowed>>before i ask tons of questions.. what is texpower? and is it for Mac OS X?
>i use TeXShop and hope someone can tell me how to install pdfscreen 
>to use 'under' TeXShop. i have it working but don't how to tell tex 
>the 'path'? or how to fix it so it always knows... am i making sense?

The simplest way to make  extra packages available is to create
your own texmf tree in your Library folder in your home folder.
Then go into the terminal and issue the command `sudo texhash'
and give you admin password when sudo asks for it.

For example I have a4wide.sty installed in


(It may be in the standard texmf tree I have no idea !)

You can sort out other directories by looking at the installed
texmf tree.

I think the standard teTeX install will set things up so tex
will search in this directory. You can see if it has when you
do texhash:

macmurray2[fred]% sudo texhash
texhash: Updating /Users/fred/Library/texmf/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.os/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /var/tmp/texfonts/ls-R...
texhash: Done.

Here you can see the first thing it did was search my own texmf tree.

As I understand it texhash searches the whole directory (doing ls -R)
and saves the output to the file ls-R.  Then tex doesn't have to
search the tree it just reads the file. Do more on the ls-R file and
you will get

% ls-R -- filename database for kpathsea; do not change this line.





Note you could sudo to root and put your things in one of the other
texmf trees but they get nuked when a new teTeX is installed. Your
own tree is left alone.


Assoc/Prof Michael Murray                                                   
Department of Pure Mathematics       Fax: 61+ 8 8303 
University of Adelaide             Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174       
Australia  5005      Email: mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au             
Home Page: http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/pure/mmurray
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