[Mac OS X TeX] latex 2 html

Michael Goldweber mikeyg at cerebro.cs.xu.edu
Tue Oct 30 16:55:51 CET 2001

<x-flowed>>Hi -
>Has anyone installed latex2html (or alternatives) on OSX? Does it 
>work well, or do you prefer other alternatives for generating html 
>documents (that support math, graphics).

I have been successful with tth under OSX.  One can either compile 
the soure and place it in /usr/local/bin or use the version of tth 
(which supports drag and drop) that comes with OzTeX.

Having used both latex2html and tth, I have been much happier with 
tth.  (Neither does math satisfactorily.)  Of course the TeXExplorer 
notion of a tex aware plugin seems the wisest to me.



Michael Goldweber			Associate Professor of Computer Science
Xavier University			Dept. of Math and Computer Science
email: mikeyg at cerebro.cs.xu.edu	3800 Victory Parkway
phone: (513) 745-3936        		Cincinnati OH 45207-4441
fax: (513) 745-3272

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