[pdftex] Re: teTeX mod for Mac fonts (was Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Font question)

Rolf Marvin Bøe Lindgren r.m.b.lindgren at usit.uio.no
Wed Nov 7 08:30:27 CET 2001

[William Adams]

| [Troy Goodson]
| | Are you saying that there is information that TeX needs to know about
| | a font but is not included in Mac OS X fonts?

| Not merely that, but Mac OS X's bundled fonts are in weird, proprietary
| formats (.dfont---``data fork'' font format which is a normal Mac
| suitcase-style font flopped from the resource fork where it normally
| resides).

I'm happily using MacOS X fonts under pdftex for Linux, having converted
them from MacOS X to Windoze format using a commercial tool. 

Rolf Lindgren
roffe at tag.uio.no
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