[Mac OS X TeX] Request [...] cm-super

Bruno Voisin Bruno.Voisin at hmg.inpg.fr
Thu Nov 29 19:10:42 CET 2001

> I bet the problem does not exist with cm-super
> Is there anyone here using cm-super fonts?

OK, I finally managed to install these (though departing slightly from 
the instructions in the INSTALL file). Yes, with them G\"ortler views 
and prints fine. However, I have the impression (but I am _really_ no 
font specialist) that cm-super fonts are not quite as good as the BSR-
Y&Y versions of CM fonts: with cm-super, characters edges appear very 
very slightly blurred to me.

Hopefully, I'm wrong (as it would be nice to have free PS versions of EC 
fonts). Has anybody tried the (commercial) European Modern fonts from 
Y&Y? (I haven't.)

Bruno Voisin

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