[Mac OS X TeX] Font question

Daniel A. Steffen steffen at maths.mq.edu.au
Tue Nov 6 12:07:32 CET 2001

<x-flowed>At 20:00 -0500 on 5/11/01, Michel Bovani wrote:

>In CMacTeX, there is a t1utils bianry that converts a mac font into 
>pfb format.

the t1utils off CTAN compile and work fine on OSX, this will get you 
up and running:

	tar zxvf t1utils-1.23.tar.gz
	cd t1utils-1.23
	sudo make install

now the following will transform your OS9 PS Courier into pfb:

	t1unmac -r /Mac\ OS\ 9/System\ Folder/Fonts/Couri/rsrc -b > pcrr8a.pfb


** Daniel A. Steffen          **  "And now to something completely
** Department of Mathematics  **   different"    Monty Python
** Macquarie University       ** <mailto:steffen at maths.mq.edu.au>
** NSW 2109 Australia         ** <http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/~steffen/>

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