[Mac OS X TeX] pdf causes 10.1 to crash

Michael Murray mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Fri Nov 2 05:52:31 CET 2001

>I created a pdf file using tex+gs6+ps2pdf, which causes the OS to 
>crash. Attempting to open the pdf in either TeXShop or Preview 
>causes an immediate logout, and the machine hangs when i try to log 
>back in. The only way to get back in that I can find is to restart 
>the machine after the logout happens.
>On the other hand, opening the file in Acrobat seems to cause no problems.
>I had the strange experience of trying to attach the file to an 
>email message causing the same kind of crash as well.
>Is this one of the Quartz bugs that has been making the rounds on 
>this list? To whom at Apple is one supposed to report this kind of 
>thing? The file can be found at 
>-- Nike V.
>V. Vatsal
>Department of Mathematics
>University of British Columbia
>Vancouver V6T 1Z2

Yep thats good isn't it.  OK on Acrobat. When I drag and drop onto Preview or
TeXShop they quit.  But no logout (yet!).  Then I open Console to see what is
happening.  Then I get a logout.  It hangs or at least takes longer than
I was prepared to wait, on login so I did a restart. It goes into 9,
checks the hard disk then I can reboot into 10.1. This time login is

There was something in the Console log but I lost it when I crashed. 
I think this is
it from var/log/system.log

Nov  2 13:20:10 MacMurray 
/Applications/TeXShop.app/Contents/MacOS/TeXShop: kCGErrorFailure : 
Unable to use font: no glyphs present.
Nov  2 13:20:11 MacMurray 
/Applications/TeXShop.app/Contents/MacOS/TeXShop: kCGErrorFailure : 
OFARegisterStrike failed: error 268435459.
Nov  2 12:20:11 MacMurray /usr/libexec/CrashReporter: Failed writing 
crash report: /private/var/tmp/TeXShop.crash.log
Nov  2 12:20:35 MacMurray /usr/libexec/CrashReporter: Failed writing 
crash report: /private/var/tmp/ATSServer.crash.log
Nov  2 13:20:35 MacMurray 
/Applications/Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/Preview: kCGErrorFailure : 
Unable to use font: no glyphs present.
Nov  2 12:20:35 MacMurray /usr/libexec/CrashReporter: Failed writing 
crash report: /private/var/tmp/Preview.crash.log
Nov  2 12:21:31 MacMurray /usr/libexec/CrashReporter: Failed writing 
crash report: /private/var/tmp/ATSServer.crash.log
Nov  2 13:21:31 MacMurray 
/Applications/TeXShop.app/Contents/MacOS/TeXShop: kCGErrorFailure : 
Unable to use font: no glyphs present.
Nov  2 12:21:32 MacMurray /usr/libexec/CrashReporter: Failed writing 
crash report: /private/var/tmp/TeXShop.crash.log


Assoc/Prof Michael Murray                                                   
Department of Pure Mathematics       Fax: 61+ 8 8303 
University of Adelaide             Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174       
Australia  5005      Email: mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au             
Home Page: http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/pure/mmurray
PGP public key:


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