[Mac OS X TeX] BBEdit plug-ins for teTeX

Hemant Bhargava hkb at mac.com
Wed Nov 14 19:42:43 CET 2001

<x-flowed>Just in case Richard and others feel underappreciated for their 
services, I'd like to say "thank you" for all you do to support TeX/Mac. 
This also goes to Gerben and Gary Gray and all the others who build or 
maintain software or maintain information portals, etc., and put in time 
into this despite all of your other significant commitments.


- Hemant

Hemant K. Bhargava, Penn State University           (Tel: 814-865-6253)
Professor, Management Science and Information Systems
On Wednesday, November 14, 2001, at 11:30 AM, Richard Koch wrote:

> Folks,
> I should reply to Fredrik's note, below.
> Thanks to Tom Kiffe for his work with BBEdit and an alternate method
> of using TeX. Users should have many options on Mac OS X.
> Allowing TeXShop to use external editors is high on my "to do" list. 
> This
> has been a frustrating fall term because I'm busy at the University.
> Our term ends in two and a half more weeks and then I can return to
> TeXShop and a long list of suggestions. Perhaps we can convince
> Apple to release the next major upgrade to the system at the START of
> the University break period rather than at the END.
> Dick
> koch at math.uoregon.edu
> On Tuesday, November 13, 2001, at 10:36 PM, Fredrik Wallenberg wrote:
>> I must admit I haven't tried it yet. However, I wonder if this may 
>> serve as a strong reminder to Richard Koch and gang that we'd really 
>> like to see an option within TexShop to use an external editor (such 
>> as BBEdit). I hope that becomes reality and we could use TexShop to 
>> "drive" the LaTex engine and provide the preview.
>> Fredrik
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