[Mac OS X TeX] LyX, T1
Jari Lehtonen
jari at utu.fi
Tue Nov 20 23:01:19 CET 2001
<x-flowed>On tiistai 20. marraskuu 2001 11:45 -0500 Alexandre Enkerli
<aenkerli at indiana.edu> wrote:
> document is using "F16" Type 3 fonts. Doesn't this mean that the T1 fonts
> are available under X but not on the Mac OS X side? Isn't there an
> obvious way to fix this?
It only means that the PDF does not contain scalable versions of Computer
Modern fonts. If you want to use Computer Modern font, put the following
three lines into the document preamble:
Another possibility is to use a Type 1 Postscript font like Times or
Palatino. This can be done by including a line
for Times or
for Palatino.
Jari Lehtonen
Unix & Network Services
University of Turku, Computing Center
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