[Mac OS X TeX] Re: teTeX mod for Mac fonts (was Re: [MacOSXTeX]Font question)

William Adams wadams at atlis.com
Wed Nov 7 23:57:44 CET 2001

chamlin said:
>  And what would need to use OS X system fonts other than a
>previewer, and everyone seems to go right to PDF anyway? I
>just recently got TeXshop and teTeX going on OS X, so don't
>follow. I guess if you want to send a PDF to a PC user you're
>in trouble. But shouldn't/don't Acrobat/preview show you a
>MacOS font if you call it "correctly"?

``Aye, there lies the rub.'' The problem is there's no way to ``call it
correctly'' without the rigamarole of converting the Mac OS X format
font to .ttf format.

Even once that's done there's then the matter of working out accessing
all of the font's features---Zapfino has 1,285 characters, many of which
are contextual ligatures (there're two for ``Zapfino'', one in a circle
and one out of it---one needs an encoding system which'll account for
ligatures up to seven letters long, and a way to choose from two
distinct forms.


William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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