[Mac OS X TeX] converting eps to PDF on the fly

Troy Goodson Troy.D.Goodson at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue May 8 17:29:36 CEST 2001

>On 05/08/2001 at 7:43 AM -0700, Oliver Hardt wrote:
>>usually, i create eps files either from illustrator or via the 
>>printer (save as file).  with eps files, I never had a problem. 
>Yes, but you can't include .eps files in TeXShop. Unless, of course, 
>I am missing something here, which is entirely possible. :-)
>    Gary L. Gray
>    Associate Professor
>    Engineering Science & Mechanics
>    Penn State University
>    (814) 863-1778
>    http://www.esm.psu.edu/Faculty/Gray/

I'm also on the pdftex mailing list, 
<mailto:pdftex-request at tug.org?subject=subscribe> from whence I heard 
about epstopdf.sty, which allows for eps->pdf generation on the fly. 
I haven't gotten it to work, yet.


% Function:  This packages adds support of handling eps images
%            to package graphic{s,x} with option `pdftex'.
%            If an eps image is detected, epstopdf is automatically
%            called to convert it to pdf format.
% Required:  * The program `epstopdf'.
%            * The feature `\write18' has to be enabled to get
%              the conversion via the program epstopdf work:
%              * command line option: -shell-escape
%                example: pdflatex -shell-escape test.tex
%              * configuraton file `texmf.cnf': shell_escape = 1
% Use:       The package is loaded after graphic{s,x}, eg:
%              \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
%              \usepackage{epstopdf}
%            Images with extension `.eps' are now detected
%            and supported:
%            * Implicitly: \includegraphics{bild}
%              If `bild.eps' can only be found,
%              then it is converted to the file `bild.pdf',
%              that will be used by pdfTeX.
%              On the next ocurrences or on the next pdfTeX run,
%              the pdf file is already available, so the
%              conversion step is skipped.
%            * Explicitly: \includegraphics{bild.eps}
%              Each time the conversion program is called.

Of course, I also had to install ghostscript (!) to get the epstopdf 
script, which wasn't exactly a walk in the park for a novice user of 
Unix like myself. PSUtils was also worth installing, by the way 

Troy Goodson; Flight Path Control, Navigation, Cassini-Huygens Program
818-393-7887, M/S: 230-205

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