[Mac OS X TeX] "Help" Needed Inserting A Graphic File in Textures

Zachary Davis zsd3711 at gamma2.uta.edu
Fri May 11 01:29:28 CEST 2001

<x-flowed windows-1252>Thursday, 10 May 2001


I'm sorry this is really off-topic, but can anyone who uses Textures 
explain how to include a .tiff image into a LaTeX document?  I know 
there is an \ includegraphics{} command, which I'm not too familiar 
with.  Is there something like drag and drop capabilities?  If I am 
limited to using the \includegraphics{} command, how do I position the 
graphic file, and how do I let Textures know where to look for the 
file?  I've tried looking at my LaTeX book, but it just seems difficult 
to tell where on the page the file should go with out some sort of grid 
overlaying the page...Please excuse my ignorance.


Zachary S. Davis
Department of Aerospace Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
P.O. Box 19032
Arlington, TX 76019

Home:	(817) 272-6418			zsd3711 at gamma2.uta.edu
Office:	(817) 272-5269

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          but their own vision.”
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