MacOSX-TeX Digest #24 - 05/31/01
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MacOSX-TeX Digest #24 - Thursday, May 31, 2001
OzTeX as a dvi viewer
by "David R. Morrison" <drm at>
Alpha editor update
by "Michael Goldweber" <mikeyg at>
wish list
by "Troy Goodson" <Troy.D.Goodson at>
How to install *.cls files for TeXShop?
by "Troy Goodson" <Troy.D.Goodson at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] wish list
by "Andreas Monitzer" <am at>
Subject: OzTeX as a dvi viewer
From: "David R. Morrison" <drm at>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 11:09:45 -0400
For other OzTeX fans out there:
I've written a little OSX application which enables files with a ".dvi"
extension to be launched by (Classic) OzTeX 4.0, via double-clicking.
It is not perfect, but it should be useful until a Carbonized version
of OzTeX becomes available.
You can find it at:
-- Dave Morrison
Subject: Alpha editor update
From: "Michael Goldweber" <mikeyg at>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 13:19:58 -0400
Given the prior thread regarding editor environments under OS X:
After installing both tcl and tk (out of the box compilations
from source distributions found at gnu-darwin on SourceForge) I
installed alphaTK.
While alphaTK certainly worked, under Tenon's XTools package it was
too slow to be a viable alternative. Open question: Is alphaTK, the
tcl/tk ports or XTools the culprit?
Subject: wish list
From: "Troy Goodson" <Troy.D.Goodson at>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 11:33:45 -0700
Stuff I'd like to see:
1. GUI s/w to manage those *.dtx and *.ins files
-> allow installation for all users
-> allow installation for just me
-> other options?
2. GUI s/w to manage font use. I don't know what fonts I can use
with (La)TeX! And if I did know, I wouldn't know how to use them...
-> manage installation of fonts
-> font conversion (is there s/w to do this?)
3. GUI for storing/organizing (La)TeX code snippets. Once I figure
out how to make a table look a certain way, I'd like to store that
somewhere and call it back up when I want it again. I guess I could
do this with something like Notes
<>, but I was thinking
this could also become something to allow the sharing of (La)TeX code
4. get the bugs out of rtf2latex2e. This little program shows a lot
of promise, but it just doesn't do a good enough job for me, yet. It
sure would help me get off the MS-Word crutch.
5. Ports of NeXT (La)TeX stuff to Mac OS X. If this is as easy as
Carbonizing, I'd think we'd be flooded with this stuff. It must be a
lot harder, because I'd be hard pressed to name a single NeXT app
that's been ported to OS X. My first thought is RBrowser, but that's
a re-write isn't it?
Subject: How to install *.cls files for TeXShop?
From: "Troy Goodson" <Troy.D.Goodson at>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 11:39:34 -0700
I downloaded an AIAA (unofficial) LaTeX package
<>. I did a little detective
work and found out that I could set a variable, TEXINPUTS, to use
it's *.cls file. Now, I did that and pdfLaTeX finds the file when
run from the command line. When TeXShop runs pdfLaTeX, it doesn't
find it. What to do?
I set the variable in my .cshrc. Clearly, my .cshrc file isn't being
run for TeXShop.
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] wish list
From: "Andreas Monitzer" <am at>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 20:50:56 +0200
On Thursday, May 31, 2001, at 08:33 , Troy Goodson wrote:
> I'd be hard pressed to name a single NeXT app that's been ported to OS X.
all WO-development apps
Description forthcoming.
End of MacOSX-TeX Digest
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