[Mac OS X TeX] CMacTeX 4.0
Tom Kiffe
tom at kiffe.com
Sat Jun 2 05:59:40 CEST 2001
>I downloaded all the CMacTeX package and installed it according to instructions (I already had teTeX and TeXShop installed). It seems to be working fine, with one exception: Macdvi does not render some fonts correctly in the previewer window. I imagine that this is because it is not finding the fonts where it's expecting them.
>Any suggestion as to how to fix this? (Notice that I have also Textures installed, and its previewer has no problems.)
On OS X you can't preview dvi files with Macintosh Postscript fonts since
there is no ATM for OS X. For correct viewing you must use pk (bitmap) fonts.
Make sure the the "Make pk fonts" item under macdvi's Options menu is turned on.
Macdvi should call maketexpk to generate missing pk fonts, provided you have the
metafont sources for the fonts you need. Without knowing exactly which fonts
are not displaying correctly I can't be more explicit.
>Also a more trivial question: Why not use OS X's Preview as a pdf previewer with CMacTeX? I tried setting it as the pdf previewer of choice, but when I used CMacTeX to do pdflatex, it opened a dialogue asking to choose an application to do preview with.
I had to add special code to CMacTeX to make it work with Apple's Preview. This
code was added to the routine which is called when you select "View pdf" from
CMacTeX's File Menu. I forgot to add the code to the routine which is called if
you had turned on "Auto switch to previewer" in the Options Menu. I have fixed
this problem and you can download the patched CMacTeX program at
http://www.kiffe.com/tex/programs/cmactex401.sit.bin (170K). Let me know if
this patch doesn't solve the problem.
You must first use the "Set apps" item under the Options Menu to set Preview
as the pdf viewer. Be sure to click the "OK" button when you are finished. If
foo.pdf is displayed in either Reader 5.0 or Preview you must close the window
displaying foo.pdf before you try to run pdftex on foo.tex. I would like to
have CMacTeX tell the pdf viewer to close foo.pdf before it runs pdftex on foo.tex
but neither Preview nor Acrobat Reader accept an apple event for closing a file.
The full Acrobat 4 did accept such an event; I haven't tested Acrobat 5 yet.
Tom Kiffe
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