[Mac OS X TeX] Carbon CMacTeX
Joshua S. Hodas
hodas at cs.hmc.edu
Wed Jun 6 00:52:36 CEST 2001
<x-flowed>Arrrrgggghh! That note was obviously intended for Tom Kiffe,
not the whole list.
PS: On the other hand, if anyone else knows the answer to this question
(whether prosper works with CMacTeX, or any other mac latex), feel free to
reply to me.
Josh Hodas / Associate Professor Office Phone: (909) 621-8650
Director, Computer Science Clinic Clinic Sec'y: (909) 607-8379
Computer Science / Harvey Mudd College Home Phone: (909) 625-1179
1250 North Dartmouth Avenue E-Mail: hodas at cs.hmc.edu
Claremont, CA 91711 WWW : http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~hodas/
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