[Mac OS X TeX] TeXShop 1.1 & Prosper = Success ( = Prosperity???) OFF-TOPIC
Joshua S. Hodas
hodas at cs.hmc.edu
Thu Jun 28 18:18:12 CEST 2001
<x-flowed>At 10:54 PM +0930 6/28/01, Michael Murray wrote:
>Sorry this is off-topic.
>I tried out Prosper tonight for the first time. I don't like any of the
>provided styles. Can you just turn off the style? I hacked the
>aqua one to get rid of the gradient on the left but I don't really
>know what I am doing. I would rather have more control over
>headings and background color in the document than be stuck
>with a generic style.
The documentation on developing formats is pretty limited.
But if you spend some time looking at the various provided
styles, you can figure out the basics pretty quickly, I think.
I hope to spend some more time researching and hacking styles
later this summer. Then I will try to write up a tutorial guide.
Josh Hodas / Associate Professor Office Phone: (909) 621-8650
Director, Computer Science Clinic Clinic Sec'y: (909) 607-8379
Computer Science / Harvey Mudd College Home Phone: (909) 625-1179
1250 North Dartmouth Avenue E-Mail: hodas at cs.hmc.edu
Claremont, CA 91711 WWW : http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~hodas/
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