[Mac OS X TeX] what library do you prefer ?
serafim at nada.kth.se
Tue Jun 5 10:15:53 CEST 2001
laurens wrote:
> the problem of personal tex files location came a few days ago, the
> question was: where should one install its own packages and other tex
> stuff? At this time the answer was to install all these supplementary files
> at the right location in the texmf tree. It is not satisfying.
> I think that the right answer is partially: inside the /Library folder...
> but where exactly?
> My opinion is that /library and ~/Library should contain the same
> hierarchy. In the first location an administrator will place files
> available to all the users, in the second one, each user will place files
> of its own. I suggest the following hierarchy as a basis for a discussion
> and I am waiting for your suggestions.
> (~)/Library/TeXMF Support/TeX
> /TeX/Shell Scripts
> /TeX/TeX Input
> /TeX/TeX Input/TeX (input .tex files)
> /TeX/TeX Input/LaTeX (packages in folders...)
> /TeX/TeX Input/?
> /TeX/TeX Format (for further use)
> /TeX/TeX Fonts (linked to (~)/Library/Fonts ??? :(
> /Metafont
> /?
> the way those files are accessed is another problem that should be resolved
> by appropriate shell scripts.
> LAURENS Jerome
> Analyse Appliquee & Optimisation tel : (+33) (0)3 80 39 58 76
> 9 Avenue Alain Savary fax : (+33) (0)3 80 39 58 90
> BP 47870 courriel : laurens at u-bourgogne.fr
> F-21078 DIJON Cedex
Since Mac OS X is a unix variation it is highly personal how to
personal additions.
In all the different Unix variants that I use (I haven't installed
Mac OS X yet) I have use my own setting.
I have made a number of file catalogues:
as a "root" for my local definitions and packages
where I store all .cls, .tex and .sty files
where I store all .fmt files
where I store all font files
and, finally,
where I store all packages that I don't want to split into
the other directories.
In Solaris and on all Linux distributions I have a set of
inititalizations to make my stuff come first. There must be a
way to get the same effect in Mac OS X.
In solaris they reside in either .bashrc or .aliases or .environment
depending on the actual system. In all the different Linux's they
reside in .bashrc.
------------------------------------ for tcsh --------------
setenv TEXINPUTS .:$HOME/tex/inputs//:$HOME/tex/locals//::
setenv TEXFORMATS .:$HOME/tex/formats//:$HOME/tex/locals//::
setenv TEXFONTS .:/tex/fonts//:$HOME/tex/locals//::
setenv TEXEDIT emacs
------------------------------------ for sh and bash --------------
export TEXINPUTS=.:$HOME/tex/inputs//:$HOME/tex/locals//::
export TEXFORMATS=.:$HOME/tex/formats//:$HOME/tex/locals//::
export TEXFONTS=.:$HOME/tex/fonts//:$HOME/tex/locals//::
export TEXEDIT emacs
The double slash tells tex to search recursively in subdirectories ans
the double colon on the end tells tex to add the standard search paths
at the end.
All the directories are open to anyone and this way I get my stuff
without imposing it on others.
But ...... as I said ... it's personal and in a complex distributed
environment (as Unix) - let's keep personal stuff personal.
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