[Mac OS X TeX] what library do you prefer ?
Michael Goldweber
mikeyg at cerebro.cs.xu.edu
Tue Jun 5 15:12:23 CEST 2001
<x-flowed> I must echo Ross Moore's recommendation. By all means create
your own archive of tex inputs (or packages from CTAN not included in
the standard teTeX distribution), but put them in the TDS format.
In addition to Ross's reasons I offer the following:
1) It works and it will ultimately translate into less work for you.
2) By creating your own ~/texmf or ~/lib/texmf you can have one texmf
tree (teTeX) that remains untouched for ease of upgrading and
CMacTeX, teTeX, and TeXShop all work without any extra work! (OzTeX
is easily pointed to this location through its local configuration
file as well.)
CMacTeX expects a local texmf tree; one creates an alias to it in the
application folder.
TeXShop CANNOT read the TEXINPUTS environment variables suggested by
Serafim so this solution is not helpful to TeXShop users.
For the bashful out there, modifying
/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf is trivial.
Michael Murray previously posted to this list some instructions on
modifying texmf.cnf
Instead of his approach
TEXMF = {~/Library/texmf,!!$TEXMFMAIN}
I would suggest un-commenting the definition for HOMETEXMF and then
using this definition for TEXMF
% User texmf trees can be catered for like this...
HOMETEXMF = $HOME/lib/texmf %%-or wherever you
wish your local TDS tree to reside
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