[Mac OS X TeX] another xdvi question
Michael Murray
mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Tue Jul 17 12:06:00 CEST 2001
<x-flowed>I have the teTeX install from TeXShop and I today installed
xdvi using Fink ( why -- I don't know -- it was there !)
It works but it can't seem to find the pk fonts. There aren't any
of course with the TeXShop teTeX but first time around it made things like
and I moved them to places like
etc and did texhash again.
When I run xdvi it seems that instead of finding the
fonts it is calling mktexpk and trying to make them again and being
suprised they are still their in the /var directory
[localhost:~] mmurray% xdvi test.dvi
- mktexpk --mfmode cx --bdpi 300 --mag 1+35/300 --dpi 335 lbi '>&3'
mktexpk: /var/tmp/texfonts/pk/modeless/yandy/lubright/lbi.335pk already exists.
- mktexpk --mfmode cx --bdpi 300 --mag 1+35/300 --dpi 335 lstr '>&3'
mktexpk: /var/tmp/texfonts/pk/modeless/yandy/lucsans/lstr.335pk already exists.
- mktexpk --mfmode cx --bdpi 300 --mag 1+35/300 --dpi 335 hlcra '>&3'
mktexpk: /var/tmp/texfonts/pk/modeless/bh/lumath/hlcra.335pk already exists.
- mktexpk --mfmode cx --bdpi 300 --mag 1+35/300 --dpi 335 hlcrv '>&3'
mktexpk: /var/tmp/texfonts/pk/modeless/bh/lumath/hlcrv.335pk already exists.
- mktexpk --mfmode cx --bdpi 300 --mag 0+233/300 --dpi 233 hlcry '>&3'
Anyone got any idea how I fix this ?
Thanks - Michael
Assoc/Prof Michael Murray
Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696
University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174
Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Home Page: http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/pure/mmurray
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