[Mac OS X TeX] Package "wrapfig" strange behavior under TeXShop 1.13

Greg Starr starr at unm.edu
Fri Dec 7 15:44:21 CET 2001

The "wrapfig" package is used to wrap text around figures, but under 
TeXShop (I'm using 1.13) the box used to contain the figure propagates 
down the page, and even onto the next page.

I'm not a TeX wizard, but I've been using LaTeX for several years now, 
and I know how to use wrapfig!

Thanks for any insights...

* Gregory P. Starr, Professor and ASME Adviser        *
* Department of Mechanical Engineering                *
* The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 *
* starr at unm.edu          http://www.me.unm.edu/~starr *

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