[Mac OS X TeX] Minor teTeX.dmg upgrade

Gerben Wierda sherlock at rna.nl
Tue Dec 11 10:35:39 CET 2001

There is a new teTeX.dmg at


Most important of the minor fixes.

- The bbold .pfb files are updated and support for them is back in the 
default settings of pdfTeX and altpdftex. The bug in textrace was fixed 
(textrace 0.48 is ok) and new .pfb files have been created.
- There is a new program, 
/usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/settcshtexpath, which 
will adapt the system wide PATH and MANPATH settings in the tcsh 
initialization files. Upgrading Mac OS X may lead to a loss of those 
settings (Apple overwrites those files). Instead of reinstalling the 
entire TeX distribution, it is now enough to run that little script as 
administrator. Installing the distribution also still sets the PATH and 
MANPATH for Terminal use.

If you use the bbold font, you should upgrade. Apart from that, there is 
no need to upgrade if you currently do not experience problems. If you 
do experience problems, upgrade before contacting me.


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